i am disappointed, after all your posts about several topics about class balance i thought you were knowledgable about builds, but you don’t know this common one! -judging face-
Oh is it? I’m not a Sienna main so I’m not sure of the min max talents. It’s what I was using on my Legend runs with her a couple weeks ago, admittedly I didn’t look up “cookie cutter” builds for her. My main point was [like another thread I created] that I think the last talents should be unique, and that I would like Sienna pyro to at least participate a bit in melee [I feel like she already does, but maybe with a min max build she doesn’t need to].
Good well thought out input!
Is this directed at me @mookanana? No hate bro! I’m a Saltz main, I just jump on Sienna to mix it up a bit and try my own things. Half the fun is finding the best build that works for yourself imo. Usually after playing the build I consider “the best” for a while I’ll search and see what the internet is playing and compare/contrast my choice. #loveformookananananananana.
no sorry it was directed at OP. hehe no worries, all in good fun.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in every cookie cutter build but it’s real bad and unnecessary. Not nearly as good as 30% faster cd. Head can proc heat sink so venting on use sacrifices value there. Plus you wanna run hot, particularly for burning heads, to take advantage of the augmented crit rate
The day they get rid of the 30% CDR talent and replace it with something exciting is the day I dance a jig!
Ahhh, okay I get you. I keep forgetting about the increased crit at high heat. Once I get access to V2 multiplayer again I’ll give this a try and see how it compares.
I also saw a guy who was using Flamethrower Staff and generating heaps of temp health on crit. That’s another build I’m interested it but haven’t been able to suss out yet. I believe he was also getting his ult crazy fast too.
Oh no worries mate, I was wondering what threads I had talked about class balance. I usually only comment on how to make the game more enjoyable than balance etc.
You said it yourself, it is a cooperative pve game.
Why should -one- team member do all the lifting? Playing with the only purpose of protecting one person with superior damage is unbelievably boring.
They shouldn’t be doing all the lifting. She doesn’t do anything WS, Shade, BH or IB can’t do if you treat them the same way some people treat Sienna. She clears hordes well and her ult can ding a special. Nothing groundbreaking… it’s just people often turtle around her unnecessarily and do nothing. My Pyro numbers are on par with every job I play, only slightly inflated by virtue of her being able to reach out and touch everything, even if it’s just for the CC. The only difference with Sienna is she has a low skill floor, so lots of people who just aren’t very good are able to get seemingly respectable numbers on her and provide good team support. This isn’t a bad thing, though. Not every job can be as rigorous as Slayer, for example.
The Sienna’s CCing the hell out of everything so other people can hose it down. Not to mention, her numbers are inflated due to her burn dots touching everything. Her damage isn’t all effective damage. If the Sienna is doing everything, there’s room for the team to move up.
@Masoneilan I like the 30% talents a lot personally. Anything to increase the speed of the game even further. V1 is good but it’s soooo slow in comparison and I think they’ve made big strides towards maintaining a strong, intense, dynamic environment in V2.
Yeah, nah, you missed what I was getting at mate [purposefully?]. Everyone has their role in a -successful- legend team. Anyone can kill hordes easily, it’s just that Sienna is a bit better than others at that…So why not work to her strengths? Have her deal with hordes and the odd armour/special with her ult, melee form a line an protect your range [while also getting horde kills, but mainly for killing armour, CWs, zerkers]. Have a boss damage character. Etc. There are numerous combinations.
I like CDR, don’t get me wrong, but I think it should be taken off then talent trees and made a stat for items like crit, % damage to _____ ect. Have it so if someone REALLY likes CDR they can roll it on all weapons and get up to 50% [however, sacrificing other stats. I.e. pro’s/cons]. I just want build choices, if you get me. More options to fully own your build.
Yeh hopefully eventually they take a look at the primary core talents everyone’s using and just reincorporate them somehow. If certain builds are more or less mandatory, we don’t actually have meaningful choice.
A lot of good input coming out of this thread IMHO.
I am away from home right now so the closest thing I have is reading this forum lol.
here’s this argument again. if you are playing the role of protector, then protect. otherwise, feel free to roll a dps class to compete on green circles. sienna cannot kill faster than a LOT of classes - she can’t kill specials in one hit (she doesn’t have her ult up all the time), she can’t pierce thru multiple enemies at range, she can’t burst a boss down without a purple pot. play a shade, BH, huntsman, flamethrower bardin, there are so many playstyles that can steal kills from a pyro quickly if i wanted to do that.
i WISH i had a pyro that i could just protect and let her kill everything quickly. the fact is, most of my games, the wizard underperforms tremendously. 90% of wizards don’t know how to wizard, they stay back, they don’t do much horde damage, they keep getting backstabbed, their uptime on combat is low. good dps are constantly on the move and looking for things to massacre (hunting specials), i don’t really see that often enough.
Tfw you look and your Pyro has her sword out during a horde… or doesn’t blast a SV patrol and instead keeps beaming it.
Yeah, I totally agree. If everyone is using the same talents because the others are trash, there is no choice. It’s the illusion of choice.
@hanzy I agree, only reason I have been able to reply so fast is that I’m sitting at my desk procrastinating instead of doing this assignment.
I’ve seen a lot of amazing feedback over the forums from people like @Avar, @mookanana, @Anointedone and a couple others. I really hope FS are listening. I know it is easy to miss genuine feedback on these forums with all the “green dust when?” “content when?” “Other class got more green circles plz nerf” threads. And I REALLY hope they see that people here may be frustrated, but it is because we GENUINELY like this game and want it to do well!
I just genuinely hope they don’t nerf things. Most things are pretty damn well balanced right now. Kruber needs a major Blunderbuss buff to give him some ranged horde clear, FK/Merc ults should be swapped, and huntsman needs his block and swaps tweaked but other than that, the other four characters are really really close to each other such that I hope they don’t waste time adjusting them much, if at all.
i actually want them to rough things up, change things drastically, do more nerfing/buffing then rebalancing, that’s how you get more people playing imo!
Iunno. Personally anytime I’ve quit a game it was cuz of that sorta thing.
I’m not a big fan of nerfing in PVE games. I don’t mind some ‘adjustments’ to numbers, but I believe as soon as you nerf anything [even if it’s small] some people get jaded. Hell, others act like the character is unplayable. Just look at some of the tweaks Blizzard does to their games. The forums make it sound like they destroyed the game.
I can agree with roughing things up. I’m sick of games having such homogenised talent trees because they are afraid of having to balance them. Imo talent trees should be exciting and should change your character in major ways. Take a risk FS. I can think [and once again have made threads] about heaps of different ways they could have approached the talent trees and ultimates to make each class far more exciting.
Although, fixing bugs at the moment should be their focus…as depressing that is to me haha.
But why bother doing anything but protect when one hero/career is capable at clearing and killing much faster nonstop than anyone else?
It is supposed to be cooperative, of course we have different roles but it is no secret that the auto aim (lazy design) abilities and the complete disregard of overcharge allowed through talents and weapon traits overtune Sienna/Pyro.
who says it is? i already gave examples about how other classes can match the pyro easily. lots of people are just content with watching the pyro burn stuff, i’m not that kind of person. i kill much faster than most pyros in my games (leech teleports into party, gasrat comes into view etc, i’ve already shot it dead before the pyro can get her first beam snipe off)
try to learn the strengths of the other dps classes, you’ll find that they cover a lot of aspects that the pyro can’t handle.
What do you think I meant by protect?