Burning Head Sienna build is crazy!

What’s the strongest build in your opinion then?

Unchained or pyromancer with beam staff(heatsink) or conflag staff is really strong now too. It staggers CW. Honestly, no one in a good group cares about the scoreboard as long as they win and played as a team. Maybe in champion and below, these builds seem insanely strong, but in legend you play a lot more grouped up in corners. So melee actually gets to play the game.


Agree again.
If a ranged focused class had hardly any melee kills I do not feel theyre playing for the team. More so going for circles. Maybe. This is not always true.
It is pretty normal for me to have 50-150+ melee kills playing Pyro. Depends on the level.
Some people may say im playing the class wrong, but whatever. Its feels right to me.
Play the class how you want. As long as you’re not a burden and are not constantly friendly firing people who cares if you have more ranged kills than melee.

Edit: Seems like this discussion is going down the rabbit hole of range vs. Melee instead of focusing on this specific build for Pyro.

The main problem of this build, is that it requires no skill, no brain, no effort no nothing to be top dps in your team. You just spam LMB and F and you’re the king of the world. Btw, damage is low exactly because of this reason - cause advancing through levels with such a Wiz is much faster. Everything dies in seconds.

And this build is crazy good against everything: CW, hordes, bosses, elites, specials - all threats get annihilated. Its only weakness - close range, when you’re one versus the horde. But even with minimal support you care not about nothing.

No other career can deal with ALL the threats this good, no other career can deal with threats with such a weak effort. Unchained is much tankier, can deal with hordes better and solo, but worse against everything else: elites, specials, CW and bosses. Same goes for Heat Sink - you trade DPS for sustain. You can fight solo with any threat, but Resourceful Sharpshooter gives you much more DPS and single target CC.

And you also need skill! WIth Heat Sink, you need to manage your heat, cause you actually have to build it! And you actually have to hold back on your active. As for Unchained, it’s one of the hardest characters to play, so no comments.

Thanks for bringing this up, cause it’s completely irrelevant to the topic.

Also irrelevant. This has nothing to do with the build. It’s just that the people playing ranged specs usually don’t know how/don’t wanna melee.

No, that is always true.

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The exact same thing can be said about waystalker and bounty hunter. Both are very strong ranged classes, and they have better melee weapons than Sienna. I guess I don’t see your point. If you don’t think it takes skill, then play her and I’ll be on BH. We will see who tops the meters.

Spoiler* I will.

Is ranged strong? Yes. Is this a copy paste of every other thread crying about ranged? Yes.

If you hate ranged so much, create your own lobby and do ‘melee only’. Or, switch to Shade and be an elite/boss destroyer. No Sienna build can even come close to a good Shade on bosses/elites. A Shade with a conc potion can basically two-shot any boss. Even huntsman can destroy any elite/boss before Sienna gets a single ult off.


I dunno man. Just like every other class you have people that play them well and people that dont.
I just hate to see a good class get a bad rap because of people playing them in a selfish manner.

Just an example: when all my friends quit playing and I was seeking out a new group, I was mainly playing Pyro at the time.
So I found a regular group and we clicked.
Little did I know there was a discussion behind my back about me not being right for the group because they had previous experience with “selfish” Pyro players.
So after several runs they tell me…hey man we are very relieved/glad that you play Pyro in a team oriented fashion and are not afraid to go into melee when the time is right, are cautious of ff.

Anyway, I do think this is getting slightly off topic.
All im trying to say is dont dislike the class…dislike the players style. lol.

Best build for Sienna right now is Pyromancer with fireball. You’ll thank me later. :slight_smile:

The main problem of this build, is that it requiresno skill, no brain, no effort no nothing to be top dps in your team. You just spam LMB and F and you’re the king of the world

So now you say that the build is brainless, and suggest nerfing based on a scoreboard where dps class got the most dps-related circles. It seems you don’t have much experience with Sienna if it’s your first time “discovering” this particular build. The drawback of this build is that it is a glasscannon. Such Sienna highly relies on teammates to allow her do her thing, same as any other glass cannon ranged dps.
And please, let’s not pretend that ranged combat is hard in this game for other classes but Pyro beamstaff Sienna. This is entirely different topic.

:man_facepalming: Are you trolling, or don’t have common sense to not realize no one is complaining about ranged here? Both is very bad.

BH is strong, but yet again requires some skill to play. He’s also worse vs waves in the open and at long range. WS has the same problems plus she’s weaker at ranged combat overall than both BH and Pyro. Not only overall, but compared to the above 2 her boss damage is marginal and she can’t deal with CWs at range.


Yeah, this topic’s not about that. Also I don’t dislike the class - I have fun playing it now that I found this build. But it’s too good imho and should not exist. Not only that, but I don’t think that devs ever thought, that charging your ult in literally 2 seconds should ever be a viable tactics in their game.

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Let’s also not pretend, that ranged combat is equally hard for every class. With other classes you need to at least aim your shots, take projectile falling into account as well as distance and try hitting the head. You also need to predict enemy movement, find some time for reload, oh, and also take care of your ammo pool.

Overall, it is not that super hard, but is MUCH harder than just firing your laser.

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In my experience it takes ~4 to 8 seconds with resourceful and can only be charged that quickly during hordes or against bosses. Random ambients dont give enough chance to proc too many crits.

@Anointedone is correct about shade and hunts boss damage with conc pot for shade/str pot for hunts vs. beam pyro w/ resourceful. This is especially true in 1.0.8 beta.

But you don’t need your ult for a couple of random ambients, do you? Also idk about you, but I avoid RMB like plague, so I can get about 1/3 of my active from one marauder.

I honestly think they need to redesign the talent that lets her clear her heat on ult. Venting NEEDS to be apart of her design, it balances her amazing wave clear (which is what she specializes in and shouldn’t be nerfed). It would also give melee a greater sense of purpose…and a chance at “green circles” for those people who haven’t yet realized they mean nothing on legend.

Redesign the talent to let melee hits reduce overcharge or something. This works two fold, gets her back into melee more, and allows the other melee in the team to feel useful.

No one wants to feel like they aren’t needed on a team.

Having said this, I main Saltz (BH) and have never felt that feeling myself on legend. I know Sienna is handling the hordes while I take out armour/hold the line and snipe specials. Everyone has their role.

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I agree. I have never really felt like Sienna Pyro was OP on the higher difficulties.


Lies? Umm, you are obviously new to the game. The damage cap has been removed, which allows a Shade using glaive/conc pot to 2-3 shot a boss. Look it up on YouTube if you want. Sienna on legend is VERY squishy and requires skill to stay alive, just like any other ranged DPS. I have a feeling you only play on veteran/champion where any ranged class is insanely OP. I could play pyromancer and solo champion, but so could any other DPS.

This game is not balanced around the lower tiers, and it never should be.


Ok, anyone on Europe wants to be proven Pyro is no brain S+ tier OP career?

@hanzy @Anointedone @Masoneilan

Still can’t figure if you’re a troll, or really being serious. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Gimme a clue.

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Sorry, I don’t play on veteran/champion.

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Ok that made me burst out laughing in the middle of class. Well played!

And @NikKotovski , you have missed the point of the constructive replies in the thread. Every class has a role in Legend. One cannot be successful without the others. Who cares that Sienna got a green circle for ranged kills, it was melee that held the line/took out the armoured units, killed specials [although Sienna helps with this too] that allowed her to do this.

Calling for nerfs to ANY class in a PVE game is just silly. If anything needs to be adjusted, buff other classes instead. I definitely think we aren’t in a perfect place at the moment, changes still need to happen, but it isn’t as bad as a lot of people make it out to be on the forums.

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That talent is garbage anyways. A total waste in every way.

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