Brunt’s armoury is still bad pt 3

Nothing new under the sun. Just spent another 180k (20 agri headhunter) and got avg rating 323 and not even one above 365. What a joke!

This is beyond bad and this was the first time i bought anything from Brunts in about a month, and I am starting to get fed up with this poorly designed system.

I still enjoy the gameplay and I have alot of good gear with ~750h played. Thats the only thing that keeps me playing right now.
However there still are some combos I would like to test but I get so fed up and irritated when I try getting the gun I need with good stats, so I have stopped altogether.

At this point its just a matter of time before I quit the game, because its not worth getting irritated over not being able to even get one (1) gun to throw to the next hurdle, the absurd lottery system you have made of blessings and perks. And realisticly I would probably need at least 10-15 before I get the combos I am after.

That said, this annoys me so much that have logged out instead of doing some mission like I had planed to. GJ FS!


We need the abilities to

  • remove locks
  • upgrade modifiers
  • unlock blessings of choice
  • select perks from a list

This would fix all of the crafting problems including brunt.


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