I copied from a post on Reddit. Maybe someone will want to read it
1/ pub crawl event on the 8th
- drink ale
- slurred conversations
- get buffs from drinking
- don’t drink for too long and you get hungover
- drink too much and you fall over
2/ winds of magic
- probably include an introductory level
- objectives so far include: killing a number of enemies, killing a number of a certain enemy type
- followed by a final event like: survive waves of enemies, two bosses at once
- higher difficulties scale the wind effects, e.g. less healing on the healing one
- weaves won’t be randomised so that leaderboards are fair
- score based on time to complete and damage taken
- set amount of preset maps which repeat and scale
3/ beastmen
- gors equivalent to clanrats or rotblood raiders - the main grunts of the army
- ungors with spears that try to keep you out of reach
- experimenting with large groups of ranged ungors
- bestigor is elite which charges a la footknight
- minotaur: the beserker version of a boss
- no “lone operative” specials, instead standard bearers which buff allies, e.g. invulnerability buffs
4/ new difficulty and rebalancing of existing difficulties to promote teamwork
5/ saltzpyres billhook lets you push enemies away and pull one back in
6/ kerillian “sword and spear”, probably a typo of shield and spear
7/ bardins throwing axe is a “blueprint for throwing stuff”
8/ author saw future stuff that fatshark isnt ready to announce. coming soon™
edit: clarification on gors being equivalent to clanrats