Bretonnian sword+shield pushstab not hitting?

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DLC Issue

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Hi, playing around with the bret s/s, I’m noticing i’m missing alot of the pushstabs. It either seems to be not registering, or the range is VERY small.
Visually it looks like it should hit, but it does not. At a uniform range, the heavy overhead hits, the sheild push hits, the heavy stab hits, but I literally have to be smearing myself all over the dummy/enemy hitbox before the pushstab hits 50% of the time…

Can this be fixed?



I confirm that the range of the attack is very short, almost in contact.

It has never been understood whether it is a bug or a deliberate choice.

I hope they respond to you.


The attack range is standard, the problem must be around the hitreg.
I could fix it only by switching the whole attack with all parameters.

Are you a developer? If you are, can you put it in place?

No, I’m a modder, so the fix only works in my mod.

Can you pass on your data to developers as they are either unable to do so or consider it to be a tedious and ungratifying work?

Do you think a dev needs code written by me? Their knowledge is far superior compared to mine. And if they were interested how hard would it be to send me a PM?

Anyway, I fixed the issue by changing the whole anim code (light_attack_stab_postpush) to the one from sword and shield.

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