Bot suicide by friendly fire, self centring obligation needs to go

After 4 years I believe it is time to address the bots walking in front of you every time you move.

I just wiped out my entire bot team because every time you move with your ranged weapon drawn the second you stop turning and plan to shoot/throw 1 bot will walk directly through the crosshairs, and if you move one step to the side it will match that, EVERY SINGLE time often standing directly in the middle of your screen.
When you are running through the wastes with throwing axes or javelin or bounty hunters career skill this is devastating, crippling and rage quit inducing when you’d love to start wrecking a patrol and all you end up doing is killing the stupid bots that constantly do this, and if you accidentally knock one down another will assume the position.
If this was done to help protect new players on the NON FRIENDLY FIRE difficulties, I understand the purpose. But this programming needs to be stripped from cata, legend and champion, at the very least cata. If we are playing this difficulty we see what is coming directly at us and do not need a babysitter. Maybe they could cover our backs like a team player would do.
Please fix this so that playing single player is at least tolerable. Otherwise you may as well make all classes melee only :unamused:
Also, cursebroken challenge has been broken since weaves season 2 started.
I have kept my curse at 2 counts or less numerous times, below the threshold, also run with warrior priest who takes no curse, but not allowed the counter over 3 as he is slow. Can not complete. This is in my online. It is glitched.


And why don’t they dodge leeches?
The only time they will ever dodge a leech is if a monster swings at the bots or if they are dodging an attack from a horde. Every single dodge of a leech is unintentional. I’ve watched a single leech pick off 3 bots while I was downed.
do you not know about this?
Does anyone on staff even play the Xbox version? I can’t be the only person who plays with bots.
Do you not know that grail knight cannot walk through a flame rats fire with a shield while he is a bot? He actually refuses to block long enough to ever get within striking range, so the passive skill is useless.
All bots refuse to use shields to block rattling gunners, even when facing them with shield weapon drawn.
They completely refuse to avoid any of the attacks from the chaos gods in the wastes, like exploding skulls, blood tornadoes (they actually go AFK when they touch one) lightning is 50/50, infected enemies gas is ignored, the malevolent spirit is completely ignored until it has someone in its grasp (also if you bots are dead, you’re using slayer, warrior priest, and sometimes grail knight and have white weapons, you can not kill the sorcerer, it is a guaranteed wipe without a bomb on cata) the thirst mission unless you already have heal share there is no way to heal your bots.
These things need attention.


Yep, it’s very annoying that the bots seem to prefer standing where you are pointing the crosshair, blocking your shots. Fatshark should implement this Nov. 2020 Patch 3.4.2 change to all ranged weapons and ults:

The above only works for the OE ult. Bots should also step out of the line of fire / crosshair when the player is aiming any ranged weapon or ranged ult too.

Yep, it seems that the bots aren’t programmed to avoid many Chaos Wastes curses (and the plague/acid pool in Garden of Morr). It’s kinda annoying to bring them to the CW. Fatshark should just make them immune to damage from those effects. The same rationale for the mechanic where bots can’t deal friendly fire damage, can’t take fall damage (Patch 4.2), and can’t fall from ledges unprovoked (Patch 4.6) applies here.


lets be real bots should never even attempt to walk infront of u in the first place, regardless if a crank gun ranged or even melee is equiped, its just plain anoying


I was playing Hagbane again for the first time in a long while and I’m not 100% sure but it felt like when the bots intercepted a shot they ate the entire cleave of the shot hence stopping it from reaching its intended target.

I’ve gotten to the point of not caring about FFing the hell out of them but having my shots eaten entirely by them was another entire level of frustration. Why the hell they implemented a fix for Engi crank gun excluding every other ranged weapon that encounters this exact same issue is just a bit bizarre to me.

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Yea I was running some shotgun dwarf the other day and killed Kruber and Saltz bot with the same crit meatshot, neither one was even on my screen but their FF hull was in front of my gun when I went to fire. I just shut the lobby down since no one was joining anyway.

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If you strike a bot with a critical range shot when you have crit range 30% explosion damage boon from wastes the explosion will not trigger on enemy even if hit if the bot is hit first.
Extremely annoying, it nullifies all splash damage, like from hagbane, fire ball, use to with moon fire, until they nerfed it so hard as to utterly remove all usefulness. Not to mention the thorn spike is completely garbage now that it does zero physical damage. All it does is bounce around assassins and hook rats to the point you lose track of them and they escape unharmed.

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