If you could insert the Ogryn and Zealot bot from the prologue (with Ogryn and Zealot appropriate wounds/stats) and re-skin the Veteran bot to the psykhanium basic training coherency Veteran, I think it would be a nice touch instead of having 3 random Veteran bots in prison garb.
Increase Bot weapon gear, wounds, and toughness/health based off of Hosting/Left-most character Trust level. That way bots don’t feel so useless when starting up a random Heresy/Damnation level.
Allow the host/left-most character to choose which bot (Ogryn, Zealot, Veteran) for slots 2, 3, and 4, with the understanding that bots are replaced by joining players regardless of class in a left-to-right progression
Tagging an item forces a bot to pick up/swap items. Tagging ammo forces lowest-ammo bot to pick up ammo
This is basically Vermintide bots.
Quite probably, FatFish are tuning this mechanic, with bots being your other characters with gear and stuff, as it is in place in VT, but quite likely requires extensive tweaking of AI due to more range- and cover-oriented gameplay.
so you have 4 playable characters currently
and 4 slots in a mission
and the ability to have 5 character slots
why not just have the bots inherit the loadout of the hosts (or whoever has the highest level/gear score) loadout.
ya know, like in vermintide
I just thought it would be nice since the prologue Bots and the Vet bot in the Psykhanium have the cover-art cosmetics that everyone wants but can’t get.
And I think having stock bots would help with disconnects since Darktide went dedicated server, I’ve been crashed out of missions I’ve started, and IDK if that would interrupt the Bots in the game (they crash out too or not). I’ve never had an issue with crashing out or disconnects when playing with friends, so I wouldn’t know what happened in those instances.
I really like the idea to use the hosts unused Charakters. Would allow me to hear how my characters would interact with each other on mission.