I tried the buffed bolter, and the prep time and recoil have been significantly reduced, making it overwhelmingly easier to use. As a result, even as a zealot, I can now instantly wipe out swarms of crushers, which is currently breaking the game.
the bolter was supposed to have a trade-off between its power and difficulty of use.
this is something I really can’t accept. what do you all think?
Cmon guys… Don’t come up with nerfs for the bolter… No one is usint this iconic weapon for what? 1 year or longer? Everyone cleans the floor with revolver or plasma gun… But the bolter is the problem… Jeez… Bye bye bolter… Next Hotfix will f*ck you up, AGAIN
In my own experience, I rarely saw bolters over the last year.
Maybe we’ll see them again.
For my own part, I was never a fan of any of the Bolter incarnations this game has had, too clunky and awkward for my tastes and I suspect I just don’t have the twitch reflexes anymore to make this thing work like some do (my peak Unreal Tournament/Counterstrike/Quake days are two decades behind me). Playing with it in the Psykhanium a bit, it’s great at magdumping a target at close range, but lots of other weapons do that just fine too.
BIG doubt. Post the video.
Being able to aim a bit better and draw slightly faster does not change anything about TTK on crushers. If it wasn’t a problem before it shouldn’t be one now.
I think it’s technically a glitch since it involved an animation cancel, but you could (and afaik still can) instantly pull out and ready the bolter by swapping to it and throwing a knife with the Blades of Faith blitz. That plus Dance of Death (for that spread and recoil reduction) already let you instantly ‘wipe out’ swarms of crushers with hipfire.
Not sure if the damage vs carapace got buffed to meet any relevant breakpoints, but I don’t think the power of the bolter outpaces the ammo economy, unless they completely borked the damage values, and the minor changes to usability aren’t going to make it a problem that didn’t already exist beforehand.
and remember that bolter got 3 buffs in a row as far as the weapon is concerned, patch 14 damage buffs, the more recent 20 (25 with fully loaded) more ammo in reserve and now this
I found the same, so much so that when someone did bring a bolt weapon on a mission it was something that was really noticeable. It is a shame that the recoil on fire issue cannot be readily resolved but is being mitigated, so I may dust off the bolter and give it another crack.
It’s been less than 24 hours since this change. I’ve played with both bolt weapons and have not found them to be OP in any way. If anything they feel the most correctly adjusted they ever have. How 'bout we get a real feel for this change before we start sounding the nerf alarm, eh?