i’ve noticed this a lot on my zealot(with eviscerator) recently. i’ll go to block and have varying amounts of stamina left over but my block will stay stuck in the block animation and i’ll have to push block again to deactivate it. not sure if anyone else is having issues with this but it’s super annoying and has caused me to die on multiple occasions now.
It’s not a “block” thing, it’s a client-server information loss thing.
With the psyker it happens quite a lot that I charge Smite and when I click to release nothing happens and I stay in a limbo where I’m not charging nor attacking so I have to click again to make the attack start.
Same thing with secondary staff attacks.
It seems there’s some problem with holding the right mouse button, its release is not always read.
It happens to me with heavy attacks too
are they able to fix it or is this just something we have to put up with?
It has been an issue since beta and they have never said a word about it.
Yep. This happens with the Helbores a lotttttt for me. Makes me take a break from using them which sucks because they’re my absolute favorite ranged weapon
God I hate when it happens!
Not all games have such problems. How come?
Someone fkd up.
had quite some problems with my kickback since 2 or 3 days when aimed shots simple refused to fire.(rebound to “alt”)
started a bit earlier, with not shoving an enemy using the bull butcher.
could clearly see the animation half way only to reset.
with the issue above, kickback is coming almost to aimed position, only to shake slightly without firing. hip fire seem to be okay for the most part.
strange since my latency keeps narrowing in between 30-60 in most matches with no red sign of paket loss, if the mod is accurate in that regard.
definately got worse recently
My suspicion is that it’s all client-side.
In my experience this issue arises when there are those strange FPS drops that happen when a new enemy/animation/event is being instantiated.
Any command given in those moments is lost, and the release of the RMB is the only command that results in an animation lock.
could be the culprit but arent these then in the cache during your whole session? or does it start from scratch each match. having these issues in varieties some rounds in a row when previous were fine.
one match i could attribute to a sneaky windows update taking bandwith briefly.other times its only darktide creating traffic.
sure dlss is masking the “real” fps but i got it locked at 144fps and it stays there 95% of the time.so even if it was adding to that number there should be some visible dips.
I don’t know, but it happens multiple times each session, so I think it reloads everything each time.
Or it gets unloaded after a while if not in use.
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