I’ve been having ongoing problem for several patches, when trying to quick-switch to my melee weapon from brainburst and quickly block, the animation will cancel and switch back to brainburst and start charging, despite hitting switch multiple times.
This has caused me to get hit unnecessarily numerable times and recentlycost my team a round when it switched back to brainburst instead of blocking against an oncoming spawn.
It seems to get worse when theres a lot going onscreen.
Ive noticed the game loses inputs done during lost frames on all classes, but brainburst seems to be the worst affected.
You might be referring to input buffering getting incorrectly parsed by the server and I have no idea if it’s server lag or something else. I know there’s some other under-the-hood things that people with way more knowledge about this knows about, but it has nothing to do with Brain Burst in particular.
theres same problem with plasma gun aswell. when i change it to my melee it sometimes goes back to my plasma gun instantly if i hit block/attack button too fast, and sometimes animations just break and it takes time to… reload animations? i dont know how to call it, but on my screen hands look empty, and i cant take any weapon i have for second-two. i guess thats a problem of every charging weapon, including helbore’s lasguns