A bit of a rant here, but born of genuine frustration.
I enjoy playing off meta stuff and theorycrafting builds with all the available blessings and perks.
However it tires me greatly to see people abusing blessings that clearly are not balanced (15% damage per hit stackable 5 times? sure), as well as stacking double damage wherever they can.
For having been coerced into playing them (sometimes I get tired of being memed on for not using the big number toys), I can say that I absolutely hate it.
There is such a huge difference in how a weapon functions with or without those blessings.
Giving Orange weapons 2 blessings also makes it pretty hard to balance anything.
Some blessings (Powercycler, Brutal Momentum) are pretty much must have on a weapon, while others are a detriment (limbsplitter lol?)
-Bring back overperformers in line (slaughterer ehm Headstaker (edit) has no business giving that much power… on hit)
-Reduce the variance between blessings of the same name between weapons (thrust on TH, good, thrust on axe, yikes).
-Rework the blessings no soul would voluntarily use (Limbsplitter for example: +power, but no more bonus weakspot damage).
-Fix wording on blessings to reflect what the blessing does more clearly (+50% bonus weakspot damage is an incredibly shaky way to explain what the blessing does)
-Blessings that are must have are perhaps the sign that the blessing should perhaps be incorporated to the weapon, and some of the weapon’s power budget moved somewhere else.
-If the weapon is going to have two blessings, have it be 1dmg blessing max and 1utility blessing max, making overperforming combos impossible to achieve and thus easier to balance.
There should be no easy way to flex power in this game through a combination of game design unbalances.
I wonder why is it that way? Maybe because MELEE WEAPONS ARE PATHETICALLY WEAK without slaghterer/headtaker?
I agree, the rebalance is in order. I’d start with setting HT/Slaghterer bonus to +5% per stack and giving ALL melee weapons a blanket 50% power increase, then see how it goes. Also an eviscerator needs to get it’s damage falloff reviwed ASAP.
It would also be a good idea to let people re-bless affected blessings for free.
Limbsplitter is fine as long as you have both a functioning keyboard and a functioning brain.
Thrust has literally the exact same values across every weapon it exists on. What on earth are you on about? Thrust is actually pretty legit on combat axe but at this point I have to strongly question if you have a good bearing on any of this.
I don’t disagree with the idea blessing balance is out of whack but it’s hard to focus on that with pretty bad takes and straight up misinformation mixed in.
It’s actually on kill. Slaughterer is up there but it is far from the strongest blessing. It is perhaps the most common strong blessing though as it is found on most class specific weapons.
Do you now how dmg in this game works and especially weakspot/crit? TL;DR it’s most trash bonus you can get on any weapon
I’d agree the balance is wack and it should be tweaked, but to make it work they need to reevaluate whole combat system and dmg systems. Just nerfing/tweaking power won’t make game better, it’ll just make melee weapons way less efficient and you will rant next of everyone shooting and not using melee. So until combat system rework trying to balance power is pointless, best thing they can do, replace/rework not used blessings. But anyway, 99% of blessings in the game is just stats boost, it not offering you alternative gameplay or any interesting options. So another point why making changes in terms of current system are pointless.
And as advice, if you like off meta – run it, there always will be meta and most likely people still would make fun of you running non meta. So noting would change in grand scheme if things.
Some blessings are overperforming, absolutely. Slaughterer, Headtaker, Thrust, etc.
That said, I’d like to say 3 things.
Firstly I’d rather blessings be powerful. Right now most of them are borderline insignificant stat increases under specific situations, and thats really disappointing. I’d like to see most of them made stronger, more unique, more build identifying and I’d like to see a lot less “trash” rolls.
Secondly, just as the blessings need adjustment, so do some of the weapons. A bull butcher cleaver won’t even 1 shot a poxwalker with a headshot on Damnation unless it has Slaughterer running. A chain axe lightly feathers most enemies unless it has Slaughter and Headtaker running. If blessings are to be adjusted, the weapons they are attached to should be compensated.
I played a lot of VT2 just like a lot of other people did, and the meta back then was almost “everything but Swift Slaying is trash”, because that was more or less the case. The issue wasn’t that Swift Slaying was too good, its that almost everything else might as well have been garbage.
Powercreep is a disease, which is why game design should always tone things towards the bottom.
Again I’m gonna take Diablo 3: they never nerf anything. The item that used to give +50% damage to one skill now grants 20.000% damage.
Damage isn’t in thousands but in hundreds of billions.
Difficulty becomes irrelevant and balance a nightmare.
We would quickly need T6-7-…
Why blessings should be toned down? Because they then become mandatory.
Heavysword without the two damage blessings feels meh.
Shredder without the two damage blessings feels meh.
I agree 100% that blessings should offer unique opportunities to customise playstyle.
+damage on hit isn’t a unique way to customise playstyle
On swiftslaying: +25% attack speed is pretty much a +20%ish dps. Makes weapons a lot safer to use, even those who do not usually crit.
Other blessings were all bad. Chaos Wastes had some really really cool stuff though (need to check if we can get them out of there with mods)
I agree, powercreep is a disease. But the inverse is also true, where all the fun and strong options get taken away. I don’t want an endless game of nerf whack-a-mole, please.
Absolutely! Which is why I’d rather not see Slaughterer, Headtaker, etc, dumpstered as well. Fatshark doesn’t finely balance, they sledgehammer, which is why I’m so against nerfs.
Game isn’t dead because of the nerfs, but because we’ve been playing the same things for 6 months…
And the player base is tired of all the timegates that are still very much present in the game.
Exactly because instead of giving us content for this “live service game” they are screwing around with the weapons and releasing … NOTHING. Killed their own game
Depending on what you consider as a “dead game”. But yes, the fact that playerbase are not that huge are obvious. No one justifying FS’s actions, but i hope you understand that content and fixes, balance and so on making different people. Why they are slow? Only way to know it for sure get a job at FS.
Forum is slow community is small posts are all variations on a tired and repetitive theme. Reddit is the same but includes Rate my weapon posts and watch me clutch videos. Hardly anyone playing the game and normally less that 100 people watching it on twitch.
Honestly how long are they going to take to release some actual content and no prison clothes bugs and weapon balance does not count.