The negative side of limbsplitter applies to subsequently chained hits. Any slight delay in pressing attack again, missing an attack, blocking for a fraction of a second, etc all reset the chain making your next attack hit with the positive dmg boost.
For other blessings that work off of chained hits, it can be hard enough to reliably build up chains, and doing so often means opening yourself up to be hit if you’re mindlessly spamming LMB.
In short, if your conscientious about your hit chaining, you have can more positive damage uptime than you do reduced damage. And on a high damage weapon like the combat axe the bonus damage can let you more easily one-shot enemies.
i know it happens way too much already, but to compare this to DRG,
they managed to have mods to weapons that are quite powerful addition to the capabilities but feel overall way more balanced against each other,
might be wrong tho, i have played DRG but it ain’t like i have all the weapon mods, maybe someone who does, has a hottake how they see it in DRG.
wonder whats the big difference there, maybe that the most powerful mods come with drawbacks?
im thinking of the gattling gun mod that removes your ability to move for the highest dmg increase,
while the more moderate mods also have less severe drawbacks.
so instead of DT’s “mandatory” blessings, its more a risk reward system that allows you to adjust based on how comfortable you are on the given drawback.
The “clean” overclocks are usually just a straight buff to some aspect of the weapon’s performance. Balanced overclocks add some positive and negatives, and the “Unstable” ones usually do something crazy strong but add a big drawback, in total changing how you use the weapon.
While it can take a while to collect all of the overclocks, DRG does the smart thing in that you’ll only get a given overclock once from loot crates and other sources. So long as you keep playing you’ll get all the overclocks because the pool keeps getting smaller and smaller (you don’t get repeats). This makes it quite a lot easier to eventually get what you want.
And of course, DRG’s weapon modding, other than the overclocks, is totally deterministic and you can easily swap things around whenever you want.
In DRG you can compensate any weapon drawbacks from overclocks by specific weapon modules or specifically build secondary weapons, so each one will compensate each other.
You can also adjust your game play.
For instance:
You can learn to bunnyhope with ledstorm overclock for minigun (can’t move while fire) to retain moveability, at the cos of some firepower. Back it up with Magnetic Bearings (spindowntime +1s) and you good to go.
Burning hell overclock drastically increases heat generation for minigun. Take aggressive venting module and overheat your weapon in purpose, to cause fear and fire damage, turning weapons drawbag into a useful tool.
well sure, but it actually asks you to perform a different skill, to get the advantage, where the biggest “ask” for a skill in DT’s blessing system is what? hit the head? you’re supposed to do that anyway
i never met someone who said, X weapon mod is way beyond any other, simply because they are usually very creative in the drawback, and actually also the buff for that matter
where in DT almost all blessings do is compete in time to kill department, (there are a few exceptions ofc) and barely ask you to play differently, as an “optimal” play would look like anyway.
WTB level playing field for blessings. It’s a bit ridiculous that blessings like Slaughterer, Brutal Momentum, Headtaker (Heavy Sword variant), Pinning Fire exist in the same game as stuff like Perfect Strike (ignore hit mass from armor on crit, Evis variant), Superiority (power per elite kill), to name a few.
The numbers are all over the place. The weapons need to be reasonably effective on their own, and blessings should provide a reasonable benefit, governed by the ease of gaining and maintaining the buff. Headtaker is trivial to stack, so it should provide less of a benefit than something more difficult like Superiority, right?
FS wanted Blessings to be impactful so they could feel good about their terrible crafting system ; their game designers had such terrible hard-ons for OP blessings, they completely ignored balancing some of the baseline grey-rarity weapons.
I mean, why the f*ck else would Heavy Swords have such a massively better Headtaker version ? If they wanted Heavy Swords to be a ‘slow-start’ kind of weapon, just make the final swings in the combos much better than the first swings ! It’s not rocket science.
Instead of giving more depth to the melee gameplay, everyone just chooses the weapons that allow you to go “Hurr durr spam M1 to mow the horde down”.
Headtaker is boring to use, it doesn’t really require anything from you to work.
While limbsplitter is fun, because you’ve got to do animation canceling.
But if you really need to min-max your build, then headtaker is looking better.
However, I don’t really see the need in min-maxing anything in the current difficulty level.
Agree. I think FS should be more creative with blessings, or just copy paste something from DRG lol.
They can make flamer create sticky flames on the ground like in DRG.
which will decrees its offensive potential but increase defensive by reducing flame damage, but granting ability to deny some area for a while.
Maybe blessings should grant some unique abilities to the weapon, rather the just decreasing amount of hits required to kill a poxwalker.
Why in the emperor’s name would you even think about posting about how blessings need nerfs when THE CRAFTING LOCKS ARE STILL IN THE GAME??? you have to be absolutely insane.
Anyone posting about how blessings need nerfs right now instead of advocating for real change and customization in your build options is at the same level as fatshark right now. I do not care what you think is overpowered or underpowered you don’t know what this game needs and I will not listen to your concerns until you change your tune. break the locks, then talk about nerfs. but in reality, don’t do that, talk about buffing the weak stuff instead, or just changing things entirely. Nerfs are never the first course of action.
In comparison to DRG, the problem with DT’s Blessing system is that most of the blessings just play around with parameters in what is ultimately a DPS formula. None of the blessings, outside perhaps of Deflector or Lacerate + Mercy Killer, really change your behavior with how you use a given item. They are all degrees of doing the same thing you’d be doing otherwise just a little better or a lot better.
Crit chance/damage, power, damage, cleave, charge speed, etc - it’s all feeding into a damage function. Since this is the approach they’ve taken there is always going to be a “best” option. Right now, the issue is the “best” options are like 50-100% better than the “average” option. And some are so bad you might as well not even have it.
Personally, I’d like to see Fatshark buff most of the blessings that aren’t as much fun (aka don’t net as much DPS) and then make an official Difficulty Level 6 (with no extra rewards over Difficulty 5).
On top of this, I’d like to see future classes be able to take relatively more/less advantage of particular blessings and blessing combos. Slaughterer is great in all situations. Maybe a +crit chance blessing is pretty good most of the time, but with paeticular feats in a new class would actually be potentially better than slaughter, but only with certain feat combinations or only against certain enemy types, etc.
Even if there weren’t other overlying issues with blessings like the crafting locks and some of them just being completely useless, I would still disagree with the idea that blessings need nerfs because the state of the actual enemy balance is still being tested and adjusted. I still think shooters / gunners need extreme nerfs across the board, not because I struggle to deal with them but because they completely dictate the pace of the game meanwhile melee is practically a joke if you have a good melee weapon.
Blessing balance is not the focus now or in the foreseeable future tbh. If any changes get made to blessings they should be buffs to weak ones or complete overhauls for useless ones, even adding new blessings but not nerfs unless something is literally ruining the game because of how strong it is which I don’t think anything is, not even headtaker or brutal momentum.
I do apologize for the last reply, I was upset at the time and it was inflammatory and unnecessary to be as harsh as I was but I still for the most part stand by what I said. The game needs major fixes and balance tweaks in other areas that aren’t already the most bottlenecked part of the game.
If any changes get made to blessings they should be buffs to weak ones or complete overhauls for useless ones
Weak things need buffing, for sure, but bringing everything up to the same standard as what is currently top tier will trivialise a lot of the game. Adding 75% power or 100% damage almost on demand is kinda crazy (IMO), and how do you bring an underperforming blessing to a similar level of viability without matching or exceeding these values? Nerfs can be gradual - you could take 2.5 - 5% off Slaughterer across the board, and it’d still be extremely good and outperform most alternatives.
I do apologize for the last reply, I was upset at the time and it was inflammatory and unnecessary to be as harsh as I was but I still for the most part stand by what I said. The game needs major fixes and balance tweaks in other areas that aren’t already the most bottlenecked part of the game.
Props to you for acknowledging it. It’s not often you see people recognise their post as being inflammatory etc, let alone admit to it.
Part of the reason why the heavy sword with double blessing became a viable option, is that ranged enemies have vastly reduced in threat level since release.
I didn’t really believe in it when I read the patch notes back then, but after a loooot of game time, I do realise that enemies are slow and have a hard time hitting as long as you are swift enough.
This is a good change.
The bad change is that ranged enemies make the game absolutely trivial to a class like Sharhpshooty