Isn’t all or nothing broken?
Reading it I would’ve thought it would give 4% per stamina.
And as most weapons seem to have 4-5 ticks, that would mean 16-20% power, and can be further buffed with +stamina.
But would also lower in dmg as you push/block/lose stamina.
This kind of makes it on par with perk increases and a decent always on effect compared to proc damage which should be more powerful.
Buuut… Testing it, it does seem to only give the 4%, regardless of current stamina.
So broken? Not actually scaling? Would be my guess, otherwise that blessing just seems like a big waste of time for everyone, even the poor dev who implemented it.
There’s also the decapitator blessing on axes, which also seems broken as I can’t seem to proc it? Doesn’t seem to do anything.
They did “fix” some of the pointless blessings a few patches ago, increased crit chance etc.
So hopefully they will give some of these a looksy as well.
Also, I think some of the blessings are balanced around duration, since with a 2-3sec window it’s easy to miss and lose all your stacks.
Like ogryn with slaughter is 3.5s kill window, but psykers force sword with same blessing is only 2s, which to me is difficulty to keep alive on psyker, but really easy on ogryn.
So I think they may balance them on duration and application, like rampage for instance, does it reapply? Is there a cool down? Imo those multi hits are fickle and doesn’t always seem to proc for me, but I haven’t tested them extensively since I don’t feel like they are forth it, too niche.
I feel like most of their blessings and class feats have really niche proc situations that just makes them wasteful to take/choose.
They should have a lot of experience with vermintide, and know what this gameplay needs or what could work or be nice to add to it, yet I feel like they are bewildered and just throwing feces at the walls and hoping something might stick…
But i guess that is what happens when you play early access.