Blessing Thrust does not stack 3 times in chained heavy blows

Issue Description:
On the Brunt’s Basher Mk IIIb Bully Club, on chained heavy blows (holding down the right mouse button), the Blessing Thrust does not stack 3 times on the first heavy attack out of the two different heavy attacks. But it does stack 3 times on the 2nd heavy attack out of the two heavy attacks.

The first two heavy attacks in the attack chain gains 3 stacks, but only the heavy attack that has the swing pattern from upper left down to lower right gains 3 stacks. The heavy attack that has the swing pattern from lower right to upper left only gains 2 stacks of the blessing Thrust.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Enter Psykadium as Ogryn (Skullbreaker)
  2. Equip Brunt’s Basher Mk IIIb Bully Club with blessing Thrust II
  3. Click and hold the attack button to chain heavy attacks
  4. Observe how many stacks the Thrust blessing is gaining in the two different attacks that is continuously chained together


Player ID:
[76561198005085980/Steam Profile URL/Oxonium ¨,'.¨]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[04/09/2023, 05:38PM] [CET]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
(upload://AqbnD1kH37hdCcBse2q8lzReobs.log) (119.0 KB)

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darktide_launcher.log (426.9 KB)

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