Issue Description:
On the Brunt’s Basher Mk IIIb Bully Club, on chained heavy blows (holding down the right mouse button), the Blessing Thrust does not stack 3 times on the first heavy attack out of the two different heavy attacks. But it does stack 3 times on the 2nd heavy attack out of the two heavy attacks.
The first two heavy attacks in the attack chain gains 3 stacks, but only the heavy attack that has the swing pattern from upper left down to lower right gains 3 stacks. The heavy attack that has the swing pattern from lower right to upper left only gains 2 stacks of the blessing Thrust.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Enter Psykadium as Ogryn (Skullbreaker)
- Equip Brunt’s Basher Mk IIIb Bully Club with blessing Thrust II
- Click and hold the attack button to chain heavy attacks
- Observe how many stacks the Thrust blessing is gaining in the two different attacks that is continuously chained together
Player ID:
[76561198005085980/Steam Profile URL/Oxonium ¨,'.¨]
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[04/09/2023, 05:38PM] [CET]
Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
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(upload://AqbnD1kH37hdCcBse2q8lzReobs.log) (119.0 KB)
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