For me, yes.
What does that mean?
What do you mean?
I blow the monsters to bits with my Blunderbuss. I took a third of Nurgloth’s hp last night on cata Enchanter’s Lair with it during the first phase. He’s a lord but I can take bigger chunks out of the monsters.
What does it mean in regards to “it’s monster killing for me”.
A sword is monster killing aswell. Blunderbuss is obviously not as good in general against monsters in comparison with the ones mentioned.
If you’d said huntsman, then sure. Bluntsman? meh.
I’ve had success with it.
I mean, Nurgloth is a special case and the only monster/Lord is does objectively great DPS against. Longbow HS would be a better example of monster killing for literally anything other than Nurgloth.
I know it’s not the best but it does what I want it to do plus I’ve always had a soft spot for shotguns.
I’ve honestly had better success with monster damage on blunderbuss versus longbow. That slow zoom just kills me.
I guess it just boils down to personal preference and weapon experience.
I am have been corrected. I am still as happy though.
Since they said that the Minigun will be affected by crit chance and at least speed potion(so I’m assuming strength pot too), how fast will it shred monsters? I’d say very fast…
You could see in the stream stormfiend + speed pot and it shredded it
Ah I didn’t see the whole stream, just the final 10 minutes, and snippets.
Bardin mains carry me plz!
I’m just a bit worried about the weapon design, again. the Bretonnian Longsword was already a bit toy-like imo and i immediately thought the same when I saw that hammer and the minigun. I’m not saying it’s looking bad or so, still pretty detailed but somehow it feels a little more cartoony than the vanilla weapons.
In case with Engineer’s kit, the cartoony-ness is explainable because the original (tabletop minifigures) have the same kind of look.
But I do agree, Bretonian weapons were a big flop in terms of visuals and I hope the next career gets something more believable.
Well I thought the minigun was too bulky looking for my tastes, and the hammer but of the axe hammer was a bit wimpy looking but I wouldn’t call them cartoonish.
I’m sure there’ll be 1 or 2 illusions you’ll like the look of. I’m quite a fan of the attack pattern so it looks good on my end
I don’t think the hammer will replace my usual 2h Axe and 2h PAxe but it could be fun to use