This is what the pdf say i more beautifull way ^^ :
Markus Kruber - Rework proposal
He his my most favorite character and even if he seem’s to be well balance (Quick play show a good rotation
of the 3 Kruber), i have some point that i think would be better for the game.
0.1 First idea
The career skill of the mercenary and of the foot knight are "badly " chose. The mercenary is a melee damage
Fighter, he is not the best tank and even more he face the tide in first line. He is one of the first to die. Plus,
if we think about RP if he is a mercenary he would probably think at him first. Secondly, the foot knight is a
tank, he is here for the mate. His goal as knight is to protect people.
So i propose to swoap the two skills. With that, both character will be more logical. The mercenary is
a damage dealer and here to kill crowd and boss (Weapon will force u to chose, even if the hammer does all
efficiently.). The knight is a support tank. He hold the front line and when bad thing happened he regroup the team (Captain is dat you ?).
1 Foot knight
Note: Maybe better to call it knight directly no ? Bretonnian have only mounted knight not the Empire, and he
is clearly not bretonnian :).
Career skill: Rally (or assemble), exactly the mercenary’s carrer skill.
1.1 Talent
I found the level 10 of the knight under the other, so i propose the following:
- Protector: Heal other heroes with remedy is 50% faster.
- Counter attack: Don’t change.
- Build momentum: Kick out the unit when he walk to a dying mate.
2 Mercenary
Note: I found imperial soldier better and more respectfull of the lore.
The big change is the career skill plus 2 little change. If Markus get stopped by someone during is charge
paced strikes is triggered.
2.1 Talent
Hold Ground: For a short time he can’t get stopped or bump. (If you have better proposal don’t hesitate,
i’m not very “proud” of this).
3 Huntsman
Kerillian is a far better archer than Markus. And this is right. Markus is just stepping in the way of Kerillian.
And this is not an obligation.
Lore : The empire is made of 3 things : iron, faith and POWDER. Get some engineer !
3.1 Passiv
Call out weakness: => Get use to it : +25% reload speed.
3.2 Career skill
Home made powder, taste it! ) +20 % damage for 10 sec.
3.3 Talent
Hands off! ) More powder : +25% damage on armored guy.
Level 25:
- 30% cooldown,
- infinity ammo during the 10 second,
- reload time reduce by 90% for the 10 second.
3.4 Weapon
The mercenary can get bow but no more repeater handgun, only the engineer can get it.
And i have a huge question : why Kerillian get until 30 ammo when you can take only 17 ammo with the
handgun ? It is normal that the handgun have a long time of reload but the big pro of the handgun is the
ammount of ammo that you can bring to the battlefield.
I know that this is something hard to balance and i don’t know if just giving more ammo will be balanced.