Backend Error for the last 2 days

Issue Description:
“backend error”

Backend Error - see attached
Crash Report (If Applicable):

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
“Backend Error” ---- AGAIN

Steps to Reproduce:
Apparently? Not sign in after 10+ days back to back playing enjoying the new content, then be unable to… for no reason? no patch?

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Reproduction Rate:

  • Often (<75%)
    (can sometimes get in to char select, trouble with mission join, no wallet, no shops, no chat, no reward.

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:

[See attached]
[console-2023-06-13-23.32.41-ceb53c77-0f8b-429d-9c5a-1004b1577362.log|attachment](upload://g0RaHSgTbTJDaQ1gbEpnUzaOVvc.log) (38.2 KB)
[console-2023-06-13-23.29.01-4bca64b1-2898-4446-be41-e4641a18928c.log|attachment](upload://jiLPlHmsSrLXy0l59MkV9QE8mS5.log) (76.7 KB)
[console-2023-06-12-21.25.40-5afa3d13-d6a3-47da-b573-48d883801cd1.log|attachment](upload://iSiSYQVw3fcZhFjrzWTF8EQDob7.log) (27.0 KB)
[console-2023-06-08-11.19.20-53fd751d-627e-4685-afe3-b586628d4011.log|attachment](upload://5NAUEA3oY2uAzugQsLCwTBF3DQw.log) (215.4 KB)
[console-2023-06-07-20.58.52-4815cec2-39fe-4da8-a3c2-da424167e39d.log|attachment](upload://4Ltm5SaNkEJ6M7QTW2fpIepXjA3.log) (380.1 KB)

As you can see, recent problem.

Here are some extra logs after managing to make it in (25% of the time) and being 4008 from the mission select screen (reconnect to session I never joined) 20 times

Hope it helps…

why did I buy anything from you lot.
console-2023-06-14-00.40.54-508e55d6-eb97-47f5-8978-5e6240215eca.log (277.3 KB)

Could you tell me which part of the world you’re playing from, and the name of your ISP please?

Hello Julia

UK, k-com

I’m looking in to whether KCOM use any sort of enforced security which could be blocking our requests. We’ve had similar issues with other ISPs in the past.

In the mean time, which Anti-Virus/Firewall are you using on your PC?

Hi Julia
Good old windows defender. No third party.

As I state, I’ve been playing many many hours without issue recently and spent on some mtx to boot, only to now get this issue back from initial launch.

1 Like

I have been getting multiple failed login attemps per play session resulting in the “Backend Error” message prompt since beta. Has this been resolved?