Anyone else think the recent update has made enemy spawns more chaotic?(Damnation - High Intensity)

Was just attempting Magistrate Oubliette TM8 707 on T5-HI and 3 times in a row, we got annihilated in the beginning, right at the bridge section with the first med-station. I don’t know if y’all have had a similar experience, but we had a wave of like 7 Maulers stacked together. It was insane, but then there were Ogryns, Gunners, all kinds of specialists, Elites and a boss, on top of that, 3 times in a row.

I read the notes made some adjustments to enemy spawns without altering intensity, so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but I swear that first section was like storming Normandy, especially when someone makes the mistake of aggroing enemies on the other side of the bridge before we even cross the damn thing.

They increased maulers to decrease ranged elite spawns and at the same time buffed maulers.

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yes i do think that

That place is notorious for wipes because how the map is designed, enemies from up jump down so you basically get double ambient spawns. Nothing new.

Maybe, we did a vigil station that had seemingly endless trash mobs, so much so that the server crashed near the end and we couldn’t finish the map… RIP my plasteel


Heresy has gotten spicier. Big groups of maulers and ragers seem more common now. Definitely keeps you on your toes. Fortunately with the recent changes plasgun go brrrrrrrr

I love it. I actually wish we got even more and bigger melee hordes

What’s your gamer tag, bro? I will absolutely smash you in 1v1

all jokes and pettiness aside, I did read the patch notes, did you not read the first sentence of the second paragraph? It’s really short, you can’t miss it! This is an open forum, and I don’t believe it’s out of hand to post something to clear my own doubts(and frustrations from getting wiped 3 times in a row)

Why are you being rude and mean? You’re offending my feelings.
-hovers over the flag button-

you read the notes like it was a highschool reading assignment and the teacher asked if you read it and you said you did but actually you just skimmed over it and now your asking questions about whats in the reading assignment.

There’s always something that gets broken or ends up bugging out after a patch.

Do you understand the purpose of my post is simply to seek feedback? What am I being rated for a PHD? Get over yourself, man.

I understand a lot of people on the internet really just choose to be belligerent, and I have no energy for that. Good day

You would think that is an expected result, considering they are all Chaos worshippers? It was a step in the right direction for me, at least so far.

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