The Ragertide is still upon us

Didn’t one of the previous patch notes say they were reducing the number of elites spawned? I’m still seeing massive blobs of gunners and ragers on hazard 4 and 5.


They changed the AI Director to be more aggressive.

This has had the side effect of utterly burying people.


People want the game to be hard. We have that now.

If people aren’t ready to play that yet, normal Damnation still exists and there’s nothing wrong with playing it.

Melee elite enemey groups are finally threatening for the first time in a year. Lets keep it that way.


Heck I’m not even ready for regular Damnation anymore, it’s whack

I don’t mind the higher spawns too much, but I just want them to fix the jank in the soundscape where the a lot of elites, especially ragers and crushers are practically silent.


have you tried killing them?

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It crossed my mind.

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I only think Hab Dreyko got tuned out of whack. The end escape sequence in hi intensity tickets just sandbag you with 50 elites on the bridge front and back. As if the last scan zone wasn’t brutal enough. Please nerf Hab Dreyko slightly, already saw a few QP join ins calling it the new convo and quitting.

I kind of like it, but I understand that this will force a meta

I will say I don’t mind the odd blob of homogenized elites but more variety would be fun. Mixed elites. 10 ragers and 10 shotgunners instead of 20 of one for example.

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Last time I played Hi-int Hab Dreyko we were getting spammed by like 10 Scab Ragers horde, 10 Scab Mauler and10 Shotgunners with Scab Stalkers every 20 seconds on top of non stop horde and specialist, it was pretty wack lol. Still survived it somehow though.

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