New AI Director Changes

So for Darktide, every one is now aware of tweaks to the AI director. As for upping the difficulty a little thats fine (I usually play on Damnation or higher). However the issue that I have is really the frequency in which they spawn especially on the new map. A massive hoard of poxwalkers, crushers, maulers, and ragers etc. can be really fun to fight against. But when it comes to a point in which it can go from “this is really fun as a four man army” to “I have been fighting a never ending horde and I just would like 2 seconds of a reprieve”. If theres a way to tweak the AI director where after it throws a massive horde at you, then theres a small cooldown, that would be great imo. One of the best feelings of darktide is clutching and lately it feels like clutching has been patched out. I was fighting a chaos spawn on the new map and it spawned infinite hordes at me. I tend to run high cleave builds and as I stated before, having to fight a hoard of poxwalkers and a chaos spawn while you’re trying to clutch can be really fun but not when the hoard is spawning infinitely like how it had on that map. Tl;DR the AI director needs a cooldown between waves even if its a short one to give people the opportunity to clutch and to help the overall flow of the game imo


Yes agree that there should be spikes of activity, but I’d also like them to look at how the AI chooses from the ‘palette’.

It just feels like it’s choosing to spawn the wrong enemies a lot of the time.

That first big battle area in the new map really highlights this as it is just a never ending tide of specialists… Which ironically makes them much less ‘special’ if there’s an army of them!

Why is it choosing endless, multiple trappers, flamer’s, snipers instead of mauler’s, crushers and Ragers etc?

It’s just all enemies we have to constantly slide about to avoid instead of enemies we have to engage in actual combat. It’s bizarre and feels like a bug.

More enemies - great!

All those extra enemies being ****ing specialists? Not so great lol.

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Totally agree, great point! I think its also worth noting that the AI director for the new map feels and plays drastically different than all the other maps. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but at this time it just kind of feels “weird”, I guess?

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The director’s pacing has been broken, partially because it was never really a director like L4D and to satisfy the adrenaline junkies who are too inured to stimulation to realise.

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I don’t know mate, the only thing I felt after the patch was that shooters(not gunners) break through my Toughness faster.

The AI director feels unchanged, unless you count that he started to spawn things WAY too close to me, literally in front of me (guess Nurge knows how to use the Webway).

Also, because of certain buffs and stuff, things die slower (some shooters are playing Hide and Seek with me and I can not find them), and it might contribute to the general feeling of the hordes and spawn.

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Oh man now that you mention it things have been spawning in really close for me too. I just had a game recently where I was trying to clutch and was cleaving my way through a horde, checking behind me and getting those straggler poxwalkers too, and the next time I looked back there was a trapper there (no audio) and he trapped me and ended the run! I almost wept real tears lol

Changes I’ve noticed (not saying good or bad, just what I’ve noticed):

Gunners - now turbo, accurate, and pivot with more DMG

Reapers - same changes as gunners

Flamers - (esp tox flamers) shoot flames that are now 20 miles long and have the push pressure of a 50 tonne truck made of adamantium. The fire is now more dangerous than the centre of the sun.

Trappers - magic nets are back, can travel round corners etc.

Dreg ragers - now all techno vikings on meth

Normal lowly gunners - now fire bullets made of cryptonite

General changes - AI director now has a full-on robot chubby for specialists and spawns them as if they’re regular foot soldiers. I’m pretty sure more specialists get spawned now than maniacs/elites (which is daft imo).

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Trappers are a MENACE now (not in a particularly fun way imo)! Some nets will go through solid objects and trap you. As you mentioned, nets can go around corners or 50% of the net will go through and trap you. Its quite a time.

Gunners shooting through walls and corners of polymesh, through barricades and obstacles at 100% accuracy just feels broken, not challenging.
Covering Auric diffs only-
“taking cover” is redundant as sniper sights (a reported problem people wanted fixed but was given a buff instead) and now tier 1 gunners, can just clip through every wall, obstacle, cover, mesh, floor…
Never ending hordes of clippy jank ice skating ragers and pox bursters just popping through the walls…
Trappers spawning 3 times inside of one another and firing at right angles through obstacles and walls…
Walls only mean walls to us seemingly…
Special and elite Enemies spawning in masses out our asses…
and the flying dogs are back from last year…

That’s not a harder mode, it’s a glitch happy broken mess.

Seen some zealots able to kill a DH before it awakens- bet they’ll nerf that out sharpish lol.

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