Hi everybody.
If this feels like it should belong to general discussion rather than gameplay feedback, the admins are welcome to shift it over there. Anyway, here it goes.
I generally like Darktide a lot. The visuals are nice, the mission design interesting, the dialogue is plain awesome at times (<3 Hadron) . Somehow you managed to take the general L4D formula of 4 randos running around and adapt it to a setting that mostly revolves about giant, planet-wide battles of whole armies exterminating the crap out of one another. In 400 hours of game time I had less than a handfull of bugs, so itâs basically very solid, good job.
However, there is only so much four in 40k-terms basically naked humans can and should be able to achieve. On Damnation and especially on Auric, things just get out of hand. I donât know how itâs calculated engine-wise, but either the enemies get too much armor/HP or the weapons get too wimpy, but suddenly the damage starts to be insufficient, enemies become just too spongy. Itâs okay to have a higher proportion of specialists or additional mutators (smoke, houds, whatever), but when the enemies start to feel spongy, it sucks in any game, and Darktide is no exception.
Your next step is Havoc mode - as far as I understood it, thatâs just âmore auric, with more nasty, more mutators and additional debuffs on the playersâ. Gee, thanks, exactly whatâs needed to make the enemies more spongy, the gameplay less fluid and the scenarios even more unrealistic. As far as I understood it, weâre playing random rejects, not a team of eldar Solitaires, Grey Knights and crisis suit pilots.
I fully understand that cranking up the difficulty, maybe adding another mutator or three is easier than actual new content (maps, missions, etc) but might I suggest a bit more of the later is even more engaging than a whole lot of the former.
Other than that, as I said, 40k is about big battles. It would be really cool if you add a couple missions where there is a large battle going on and you have to stem the tide or achieve some other objective or maybe even have to have several teams working in tandem to do so. A bit more epic, a bit less killteam, if you like.