i’ve been needing one since it came out and i don’t have one. and i already know my current build wont work for havoc 20, let alone 30 or 40.
But have you considered plasma gun?
Havoc is for dueling sword and plasma. Submit to the meta.
I run something that looks like this in h40 a lot
You can trade a lot of points around or change marks depending on what you’re struggling with/have more fun with. All you need revolver for is special sniping while others deal with horde or boss, or quickswapping to snipe elites mid horde every time you build your specialist stacks up. Not really shooting unless your team can’t push for some reason, in that case just unload and ammo horde for a room or two.
okay, do you have anything for horde clear though? thats what i really enjoy and it feels right, but i also wanna do anti armor too, though, i’ll sacrifice that if i need to.
the current best veteran build imo - Build for Darktide - Darktide WH40k
This is closest to the best, imo. For the Dueling Sword & Plasma. I’d go this way just at first. It depends on what you’re going for? If you’re wanting ‘True Survivor’ then yes, but if you’re doing it for fun then also yes lol. Horde clear is just average for the D Sword it’s decent, but not like a wow factor. But if you don’t want that you could always go with the Power Sword as well. It’s a bit better when it comes to horde clear. Are you playing for just the fun of it? Or are you trying to get certain penances? DS & Plasma are really the best if you’re in the upper-echelon of higher Havoc difficulties. You’d have to sacrifice some horde clear if you really want the meta. It just all depends on you, personally.
As most have said, if you’re really looking to push to 30-40, the veterans ‘job’ becomes what they are the best at, dropping high priority targets before they can drop you/the team, especially with the high increase in monstrosity + captain spawns. Also hoovering up ALL the ammo because each drop basically gives you 3 bullets so everyone else just stops using it/uses it sparingly with survivelist procs. Ad clear becomes pretty sectioned off to the Psyker/melee control Zealots, along with giving a big man a purpose if you happen to be courteous to have one, as your tendency to just melt and instant die (not just go down, instantly die thanks to the corruption damage delt) is INCREDIBLY high as a veteran, so dedicated melee builds that aren’t just ‘dueling sword dodging away from the enemy’ become rather difficult to play (not to mention puss hardening skin making enemies literally take multiple pokes to kill, and that’s from the most busted weapon Darktide has ever seen, let alone a shovel that barely 1-2 shot them to begin with).
In the event you are dedicated to this, or are in a team where that happens to be ‘locked in’ already by another vet, I’d likely go with something like this (leaving said other vet open to run a slimmer more damage heavy build with the damage aura, or whomever else you happen to have who’s been your main elite killer).
I put a lot of my thoughts in the description of this, but this is basically an edit to a power sword version I tend to run around with. I use Kraks because puss hardened Bulwarks are ACTUALLY the worst so 1 shotting them on a 60 second cooldown is a must, and I take the upgrade to kraks for helping you do more damage to the many monstrosities running around as well when it’s needed. That point can be moved though if it isn’t needed for the puss hardened ogie one shot (I’ll admit, I couldn’t tell you if it is or isn’t).
Otherwise it’s pretty set in stone, outside of if you want to not have the movement speed pip and instead just take stamina + always prepared and a free point. I’ve just become an addict of ‘always on’ reload speed buff Tactical reload (which you can proc on revolver even when empty by putting one bullet in, adsing, and then reloading the rest of the mag with the buff) and the movement speed bonus, and think it helps out a lot more than people give it credit for. I will admit on this build though the ‘One Motion’ isn’t doing a WHOLE lot, so it’s up to preference which way one goes in that regard.
But yeah, that’s what I’d use, if I was told/forced to do so or my family was in jeopardy or something.
You need to have Uncanny Strike on the shovel, otherwise there’s no point in bringing in.
(Sorry, I replied to the wrong person. I meant build by @MixedLetters).
Not, really no.
If you where using the VII or the III then yeah, probably (though there I just tend to use thrust), but the I with high Pen doesn’t really need it at all. Though, now that I think of it yeah, against specifically puss hardened targets I could it being needed, but I’d think a build like this would need ‘corruption explosion’ or head pops as modifiers to be anywhere close to useful. (otherwise if you want to push through stuff like that you’re gonna need the other marks/a power sword).
But, yeah, about the only thing that becomes easier to kill would be the newly christened scab ragers, but even they can be knocked around with heavies. Other than that, everything else falls over rather quickly with this, even a mauler gets micro staggered every other heavy swing, with everything else getting full staggered every swing. So I’d rather drop what I knock over on the next hit more often than not verses not doing that.
Went about testing it ‘just to make sure’, and yeah, with the ‘skull crusher’ set up, all the small things die instant anyway so who cares, anything below a rager/mauler dies in two (and is the same for uncanny, so nothing gained there), and said ragers drop in 3-4 heavies, both types (when smacking the dome). So I tend to go for this just cause it ‘lets me just swing’, especially for something with sweeping strikes where sometimes you hit the head, sometimes you graze multiple shoulders. But at least with my case, I’m always stacking damage to drop the thing, verses with Uncanny where for half the targets I’m swinging at (unarmored and suck), I’m gaining basically nothing for having it on.
And if you’re swinging a MK 1 shovel at an Ogie…I think you have bigger problems (that’s mainly what the revolver is for, dropping them in two hits to the dome).
Ohh, and in case one is wondering, either blessing will still 1 shot most specials with their block attack when stacked up (2 shot when ‘coming from rest’ / don’t have buffs/decimator active) and maulers still take 6-7 heavies to drop regardless of either blessing. I will give it to Uncanny for Maulters though that if you have the miracle play of 10 decimator + 5 uncanny strikes and do a block strike, you can do a pretty hefty hit on them/take about 40% of their health…but at that point I’d rather just 1 shot them with other marks xD.
But yeah, I just go for ‘ease of use’ for basically the same effect, head pop any armor with nades and the revolver (2 tap even without precision strikes to the dome on anything carapace/unyeilding that’s not a boss obviously, still 1 taps anything else for the bullet back).
BUT, all that being said, they both function the same so do what one wants XD.
mind slimming this down? i can’t read it all without messing up.
There are many weapons that good for havoc, not only that 2. For veteran you can use power sword, chainaxe, shovel all of those are good melee weapons. For ranged a lasgun is a very good alternative. Also start use stealth for veteran, for the most situation its much better than voice of command. Most of the players are dont have enough skill for havoc and thats why they use meta builds but still fail
not even playing veteran on havoc
Most to all my games are just psykers and vets using toothpicks.
The problem revolver suffers from in havoc is the same problem that I ran into with agripinaa shotgun. Ammo economy isn’t good enough.
Ammo economy is huge, I don’t know the math, but ammo packs end up being worth something like 25% of what they’re normally worth. It’s a real resource crunch for the team. Which means whatever guns are brought need to be efficient, because the entire team will suffer if you’re eating all the resources.
Plasma gun just has too much going for it.
High damage vs bulwark, ragers and maulers. One shots most gunners.
High suppression
Penetrates cover
Penetrates through multiple enemies
Penetrates carapace
High damage vs monsters
Strong knockdown/stun
Since it cannot benefit from Deadshot due to the fact you use mouse 1 spam you can invest that point elsewhere.
You rarely need to reload.
The draw backs to it are small versus what it brings.
Plasma gun suffers pretty bad against pus hardened wounds, can’t even imagine how bad revolver would do.
It’s not really an ammo crunch. Especially zarona. I run agripinaa in havoc 40 and unless you’re unloading into every crowd you’re pretty solid on ammo. This especially rings true if you’re used to diving shooters, as that’s the only large ammo expense. If you’re hard carrying a team, you might run out, but if you’re hard carrying havoc as vet your team has bigger issues than the person who brought the revolver that can onetap every special in the game.
when most lobbies have psykers and chorus zealots you should be able to safely push a lot of the time, and if you’re able to push and play aggressive you don’t really need to be shooting.
yeah literally what everybody else is saying. if you want the meta youre gonna need to use dueling sword and plasma. theres no other way around it. its the most optimal overall. sure you can use other weapons but on higher havocs youre gonna have more issues i feel personally. it just takes out most things very affectively and more efficiently.
Not really if your gun can deal with armor well
I use a recon/infernus/onslaught build for havoc with a decimator skullcrusher shovel and the whole thing works wonders cuz im never using the shovel for armor anyway, thats what onslaught/infernus is for
Decimator and the hitmass reduction from an enemy being staggered (most notably from voc) and its quite decent cleave profile makes it not a bad option for horde clear despite being almost entirely a ranged build, and skullcrusher being what it is makes it great for bosses, especially captains due to their forced stagger so you get that reliable 80% more damage for everyone every time
Build has reliably kept up in damage output with plasma/ds4 with much less ammo consumed cuz of both shock trooper and infernus, while also providing SC damage for the whole team when applicable
Tldr uncanny skullcrusher/decimator shovel preferably the mark that has the flip special and for rebolver handcannon crucian roulette/surgical.
make sure to pick field improvement.