Any news about cosmetics?

Before the open letter that announced that Fatshark was stopping the work of the xbox port to bring us the crafting, they were about to release new cosmetics.

So, I would want to know if it is planned that we get new clothes…
For weapons, I don’t care, unless they start fixing the cosmetics for them.

But, at least, now Fatshark can release the cosmetics that were planned just before the open letter.


People will probably still get mad at them if they did.

Why? they delivered the crafting

I don’t buy premium cosmetics but I think there’s still eyes on whether the prior cosmetics will “go away” and if it will only be the last 3 sets available, as they were criticized for being predatory for doing so with explanations like “bad UI” that a lot of people didn’t buy as a legit reason.

The promised scoreboard is still missing.
The chaos spawn from the trailer is still missing.
The cosmetics you can buy with the coins are a mockery.
Some cosmetics from the trailer are still not in the game.
The bots are useless still. There is no solo game option neither.
A lot of the penances are still a mess and ruin the team play.
The game lacks classes. The few classes we got need a lot of balance still.

There’s simply way more stuff that should be prioritized before selling cosmetics. The people know this, and they know this. Still, I’m pretty sure the shop will get new stuff soon enough.


And? so you don’t want that they work on cosmetics and release them and you complain they don’t fix them and that they did not release some?
I have concerns myself on cosmetics… weapons cosmetics, as I said.

Cosmetics are graphical stuff… it won’t impact same resources, than needed for what you quote, to work on this.

Also you perfectly knows that the cosmetics are ready… it would not be resources consuming to release the ones that were already planned.

For scoreboard, there is a mod that can give it to you… not perfect but it will get an improvement. From what I have seen, but maybe I missed it (thanks to give me the link of the post that says it), they are thinking of it… I did not see any promise on this.

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I believe, concept of items decay shall be implemented upon cosmetics and weapons. So people can rebuy their favorite items once more and keep 'em in good shape. Also i case of justice: any lost penance item shall be re-deserved. That would force people to play more efficiently and spend more money on darktide. This is not almshouse.

I’ll be right back with more awesome ideas.

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Precisely, I am complaining that the “free” cosmetics we can buy on the armory are crap, they should at least add way more color variations to them before trying to shove overpriced premium stuff on the game. And yes I expected that the cosmetics we saw on the trailers would be earnable in game. Those cosmetics already exist, why not releasing them?

You don’t get it, it’s not about resources, it’s about prioritization, put the people working on premium stuff to work on things unlockable in the game, and THEN get to work and add the premium stuff. Game is lacking in things to unlock compared to Vermintide (heck is lacking in a lot of stuff)

If they release them as stuff to unlock by playing, I would agree. Again it’s about prioritization and how the player base see the developers. Right now, a lot of the community sees them as cash grabbers, and they know this.

Thanks, I know of this mod. Still as far as I remember devs said that they WANTED to add a scoreboard based on teamplay or some bs like that. They used the word promise? No. But I take it that if they WANTED to do it, they should do it… I mean how hard can it be, someone made a mod for it ffs! It shouldn’t be a hard job for a dev!

The only cosmetics they should be working on are ones you can actually earn in game, not the bs cash store.


On colors, I agree. But you won’t get more than that.
On cosmetics that they will implement in the game and that could be obtained in game… this would impact their economic model and projections.
Also, as you said, several models are ready. So it would impact nothing to release the ones that are ready…

But a graphic designer cannot work on subclasses (remember, the subclasses will have same graphics we have actually) or other things you mentionned. A graphic designer works on what he knows, making 3d models, creating textures etc. They aren’t here to write code. On scoreboard, even is there are 8 small images, it won’t give really work to them. On bot, same. On penance same.
You could have said that it could impact the possibility to get new weapons… and here I could be agree (however, there are several weapons that seems ready and not yet released).
So prioritization? it doesn’t impact the topics you mentionned.

Please, give me the link. I really want to see what they said.

It has already been affected by all the negative reviews, both on steam and youtube. It’s damage control time, and they better do it quick.

I meant that the ready models (like the vet headgear you can see on the right of the forum’s background) should be realeased to unlock on game. No paid stuff should be released right now, like I’ve said, the game is missing stuff. Releasing paid stuff right now would make the devs look even more like cash grabbers, ready or not.

OHH you are right I forgot about the weapons! Even more reasons to not release paid stuff. And yes, priorization on what you release, not what you create/develop. Again, they don’t want to look like cash grabbers. Most of the people have been very clear on their disgust about paid cosmetics and their predatory ways to sell it. And as a personal opinion, I consider that the lack of free cosmetics, even just different colors like I’ve said before, is just so you buy the overpriced premium ones. So honestly, they can shove any paid stuff (ready or not) up their bum.

To round it up, the priorization should be to release or develop free stuff for the players to do in game, as the game is lacking on that kind of content. It doesn’t matter if PAID cosmetics are ready or not, there is a mayority of players who simply don’t want to hear about it because of the state of the game and their blatant attempts to abuse the monetization system, realeasing that content right now would make them look bad (and for good reasons).

Wait… you know from good source that the new classes won’t have a different default armor than the actual ones?

Sorry man, but I don’t have the energy to go through the forum and find it, hell I don’t even remember if it was said here or on their discord. If you don’t want to take my word about it, I won’t blame you.

The dude’s a troll, he just sits on the forums to goad people into internet fights, don’t waste the effort.

I want to buy some cosmetics now. Would like to see some new options.

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Well, we agree we are not agree… fine
They are things ready, and I personally think they won’t make them available as in game rewards/stuff available for ordos. And tbh, I would hate they make them as rewards of penances. I hate these penances.
So, they can release them. You can always not buy them.

But I can understand your feeling.

I consider also that it is not hard to propose us more color as free cosmetics, and I said it above.
You have your opinion, I respect that. This is just we have different ones.

Agree of the lack of content (i have kept saying it).
About the “majority”, not really sure of this when we see all the players that plays with the current available cosmetics. But on this, FS have better numbers.

Yes a good one… the game
If you look cosmetics, they are definied as available for the classes. And I believe you have seen that we pick one subclass. So the actual cosmetics will be available for the futures subclasses.

That’s ok. I was thinking you had knowledge of one official communication about that, as I’ve never seen something other than “scoreboard with comparison between players are toxic” (and that’s what I’ve read from others players)

I also think they won’t make them available as in game rewards, that would be a smart thing to do. Imagine giving people a reason to keep playing the game after playing all the missions, leveling all the (very few) characters, and getting the weapons they want. But yeah, I agree that penances are crap, in Vermintide you would get the cosmetics by completing all the maps with X character, in X difficulty. Seems like the devs forgot about that.

Well, the people in the forums don’t seem to be very happy about it, and on my region (SA), most people I’ve seen use only the unlockable cosmetics. There are people using the premium ones, but not many.

Does this mean that, let’s say, if the new support/commander vet comes out, it won’t have a default armor of it’s own? It will use the same standard issue armor that the sharpshooter has?

Well, it was said by one of the community managers if I recall correctly, I guess that makes it kinda official?

Agree about the sort of penance of VT2. That sort of penance would be acceptable for me… But I refuse to loose my time at trying 1 000 times to not miss one shot in an heresy game and have 0 bullet at the extraction.

Also, I don’t want you to think I am against new “free” cosmetics. In fact I think you’ve got a point here. They need to add new free cosmetics, new colors also (and fix weapons cosmetics cause it is really defeating the concept of cosmetic to see one cosmetic changing all MK weapons to the same appearance (see my thread about that)).
But, I have no problem that they would also release paid cosmetics, cause I like them.
But, again, free cosmetics have to get new contents added.

Few people on a forum that are posting elsewhere don’t make a majority.
That’s doesn’t mean you are wrong… as I don’t know it also.
Maybe the numbers (that Fatshark has and should be able to analyze) show a strong reject of the paid cosmetics.

Unless they add a new class… yes.
I would love that they release a totally new class… mainly cause it would surprise me as I don’t see what they could add that would be really different.

Sort of, as they are speaking under the control of the project manager(s).

Got 2500 aquillas from the Imperial Edition.
Still waiting for this Cosmetic

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why do people want to spend money on cosmetics

They probably don’t wanna add cosmetics now cause of current playerbase numbers. Initial hype-driven sales will be low.

This game so direly needs elite outfits that can be unlocked by completing all missions on various difficulties like VT2 did :weary:
That was such a motivating thing to work towards