
Has anyone seen something cool in the files? I just remember seeing some book portraits but that about is so just asking if anyone saw something different

Lots of cosmetics they haven’t released, obviously.


There are weapon part assets like the coachgun/double barrel shotgun and bolt pistol.

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There is code in the game suggesting a 6th item tier will be released at some point, featuring 2 Perks and 2 Blessings.
So it is almost confirmened red weapons might eventually drop, likely with their Attributes / Perks / Blessings maxed out.

Many of those appear to be evolved forms from current Comissionary gear, so there will be more earnable outfits in the future, too. Question is ETA on when for both, the crafting and the outfits.

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Cosmetics, both Prem shop and Penance related, weapon parts for at least 3 different weapons (2h Force Sword, actually also had animations but those aren’t present anymore, Coach Gun and Bolt Pistol), missing variants (Every weapon except the shield is supposed to have 3 or more variants); a couple of enemy models (Dreg Grenadier, Toxgryn) a couple of enemy codes (Plasma gunner, Scab Captain change/upgrade)

Then there are also some frames and insignia


fatshark has a long-established habit of leaving stuff in the game files they don’t actually have plands to use/finish. i don’t trust any datamines.


Man, you really are a bundle of joy and light aren’t you!

^ if you know, you know.

Correct or not, if you don’t like the game why hang around the forums spreading misery!?


Well . . . old timer here, it’s just best to temper your expectations with Fatshark. They tend to deliver a great core gameplay experience and then underwhelm with new content.

It goes back to Vermintide 2, when they attempted an “expansion” with the Winds of Magic DLC, adding a new enemy faction and a new game mode (there was also one map and some weapons; the main draw were the enemies and mode). Unfortunately it needed more time in the oven, and they paired this with a huge and poorly thought-out overhaul of the core combat system that almost broke the game . . . End result was Fatshark really got their feelings hurt by the backlash, and since then they have been even more taciturn and reluctant to do much besides what is “safe” - maps and new weapons.

And it remains that there were weapons datamined back in VT1 that have still never appeared in either game, so . . . yeah, best to temper your expectations. Sorry. :frowning:


Well he isn’t wrong. Don’t take datamined things to be promise of things to come.

But datamining does often show what will come in future patches (Eg: Syringes/Stimms being datamined at Skull)

But on the other hand you have Chaos Waste, which I think most people will say was a clear success

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Fatshark post-launch content in general is very polarising. Either, it’s a total blank fired into the sky (Weaves) or it’s an total banger (Chaos Wastes, new classes for VT2).

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Well Wind of Magic was the turning point, from that point on they never have sold a map or a mode (Albeit selling Darktide), and have promised to not sell either anymore.

So I think they saw that Wind of Magic wasn’t the way to do it

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Which is funny that they took THIS as a lesson from it, when the reason Weaves bombed was the entire content being separated away from the other game modes (and a new grind being required with items starting from level 1).

The encounters weren’t even too bad, but that implementation was something else.

At least it inspired them to do modifiers on missions for Chaos Wastes and Darktide. So there is a silver lining to that.

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