Any communication today?

Has there been anything about the disastrous roll out of our first content update or we just in the wind over here?

" Any communication today?" That made me legit do the J Jonah Jameson laugh.


Lol just figured I’d scream into the void of the Obese Fish in vague hopes they’d say something back besides “NEW OUTFITS”

It’s night now, so I doubt it.

Even if they wanted to communicate with us they are not allowed to in any official fashion unless given the okay to do so by the rich old people profiting off Darktide.

We gazed into the Realm of Tzeentch and Tzeentch gazed back.

No news, of course, just like Tzeentch intended.


Hey there,

So we spent Friday rolling out the new mission and monitoring it. This post went up midnight CET, so we generally aren’t in the office those hours. For reference, we generally put out community updates on Thursday, and hotfix patch notes ad hoc when they are launched. Monday we’ll be discussing our findings with the rest of the team.


How about forcing them to play at least 2 hours in a row with the newly improved surge staff over the weekend? :wink:




We’re definitely working on reverting that. We know it’s been painful based on the threads we’re seeing here, and we’re sorry about that. We recommend photosensitive users avoid this staff until we roll out the fix for it.


Okay, but what about the non-psyker players who get a rando psyker joining their game who decides to bust out the flashenstaff?

It’s one thing if you’ve got a premade 4-man to ask your psyker to not use the staff, but the fact that the effects also impact players who aren’t using the staff means that if you’re in a non-private game and a psyker joins your choices are… lobby dodge or vote to kick on the chance that they’re going to bust out the migraine machine?


Hey the lightning effect is great (the blur eww).
Any chance we would have some options about it for the many many non photo sensitive people to enjoy the blue sparkles ?

Also, is Saturday Aqshy.

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Having seen another psyker using the staff, the effect is nowhere near the same as the player itself using it.

Like, at all.

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I would enjoy private games to be able to be made with single players. That would completely solve the problem. Needing two players is just bad. We were able to start games solo in VT2. No idea what prompted this decision tbh.

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You’re right, it’s not as bad for the non-psyker players. I don’t think that I said it was.

But it is still an issue, especially when it’s dependent on the environments the psyker uses it in. In very dark areas (or maps that have the power outage condition) it’s very, very impactful.

And it’s grand if a psyker user can just stop using the staff for now (though I get being frustrated that a whole weapon choice is being removed from them for this issue). But in a situation where a player is solo queueing or ends up through whatever reason in a map with randos, it can still be an issue for them.

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Between my post and yours I actually played a game with a psyker surge and took more notice of it.

For holo sensitive people, it is probably too much, though it’s about the same intensity as a gunner fire for the lightning part ; with the flashing part happening sometimes surely being not good for epileptics.

Then again, a lot of people don’t have any issues and I would say again to Fatshark that the new effect is pretty awesome.

If at all possible we could have a toggle in options about it, it really would be great !

Also, please tone down the void staff effects for players in melee a little bit.

edit : the blur around the psyker player viewed from outside is awesome, the blur viewed from the psyker player himself hinders visibility too much I think.

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I’m happy they are reverting the Surge changes, but I have to wonder if this stuff gets tested. If it does, that’s a procedure in need of review.

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Marketing. Gotta see the new skins people buy!

I sincerely wish you would make an effort to communicate to the vfx guys that the improved is very welcome. Ofc there might be some issues with the current iteration. But going back to pre 1.0.20 is like reverting to vt1 one graphics.

When I saw the downgrade in the launch version, from previous betas I expected it to be temporal solution to performance issues. The new vfx are now on paar with the overall visual fidelity, and probably the best looking vfx in the game.

Im sure there is a way to change just the pattern of the flashes in a way where photosensitive players can use it. Personally I dont have any issues with such things. But after playing with it for about 4 hours consecutively yesterday I felt more fatigued than usual. Where normally I wouldnt feel anything. So maybe its even not great for the general player base to stare into that blue stroboscope your screen becomes.

Just to repeat it the new visuals, besides the obvious issues, are a great and welcome improvement. And I really hope we are going to keep them in some form.

Yeah. Fatshark is really hammering it down on making everyone hate psykers now, very lore accurate. I immediately want to quit the game or kick the psyker when he channels the surge staff next to me.

This kind of communication needs to be compiled into an announcement. not burried as a reply on a thread.

Also, updates should be tested in house using steam clients and special beta codes before being pushed out to everyone on a Thursday. Or you can implement Tencent philosphy and work 6 days a week until midnight to fix mistakes.