An Update on Itemization

All you guys need to do is add red weapons. They are locked at 80% on all stats and all perks and blessings can be changed any number of times albeit at great expense, maybe even diamantine heavy in cost to finally give the dual resource system a purpose.

They are obtained from Melk via specific request. You ask for red Rashad axe and it opens a DRG-like assignment. You fill up a progress bar by whatever method, collecting books, completing missions, etc. and at the end you get it. Make it hard to get too. Why not? Relics should be hard to obtain.

But this strikes me as a rather easy system and the level of effort you are putting into things suggests a far more significant rework where you over-think and over-work everything and it just leaves everyone pissed including the people who don’t even mind or care about the current system. Please don’t do that. Most times, simple fixes are the best.


That is why I suggest 80% for the maximum as it won’t require any rebalancing. Hell, we already border on too strong anyway ever since the talent patch, ergo the endless stream of elites everywhere.

It also keeps with the VT2 model where an orange item could be just as good as a red if you got lucky with the roll. Here, it’d be a difference of 20 points at best but still a similar idea.


Eh… This is just stupid. Do you want a good itemization system or what? Or should everything just sink and you would be happier?

Then pressure them on that, not this ridiculous “Oh no I have to wait 2+ more months!”.

The past weeks people were memeing about FS not communicating anything, now they give some info, and everyone start doomposting.

They given us a timeline, and some promise that they will keep in mind forum feedback (which they always do) and that they will make sure to test with a wider community instead of the “community testing team”. @FatsharkQuickpaw even said they are working on a dev blog for itemization for gods’ sake!


That would work for me. I guess it depends how different the items and systems are in the rework but this would work.

Void Crew actually just did this with their perk overhaul. Giving players who had excess gene points special XP crates to use for cosmetics instead so they didn’t lose effort put in.


Any idea if it’ll be Saturday or Sunday,

or more of a, as and when ready?

Both of these are things Fatshark already said, or which the community was pretty convinced would be the case.

Last month they said that itemization update ‘wasn’t guaranteed to come out on the 25th’ which everyone (correctly) took to mean it wasn’t happening until Fall because FS spends July and August on vacation. They also said they were working on an itemization dev blog a month ago.

This post we’re all mad about contains essentially zero new information beyond ‘we pinky promise we’ll pick some new people to playtest’ with nothing on who they’re gonna prioritize or how they’re gonna pick them.

EDIT: Let me make this clear: people want communication. This? This is not communication. This is confirmation of stuff we already knew.
When people say they want communication, they mean they want to know what’s going to happen next and when it’s going to happen.


We really need more communication


That’s what I mean. There are hundreds of examples of how a good system could work and how you can transition into one. Fatshark isn’t reinventing the wheel here.

I feel they’re always taking an absurd amount of time in order not to make a single mistake (from their pov) and deliver a perfectly fleshed out solution, without keeping in mind that they might have made a mistake early on, which keeps costing them absurd amounts of time to reframe.

I wonder if they ever heard of iterative working. Nothing stops them from spending a month or two to come up with a concept or even split the team into two to come up with competing ideas and then presenting them to the community to get feedback and iterate the next step.


Game will be out for 2 years in November and having serious issues, maybe that’s why. Claiming to work with the community while in reality they work with like 10-20 handpicked people. (guess why?)
Gee, I wonder why all the negativity…


The last update we got was cosmetic - penances isn’t actual content. Every update in between otherwise has been paid cosmetics. Months since actual content update. Now content pushed even further back.

What are you guys even doing anymore? Are we really that out of touch with reality?


A competitor studio walking distance from Fatshark’s front door has put out more content for their 4 person coop shooter (built on the same core game engine) in two months than Fatshark will have put out all year by the time Q3 and this update rolls around (assuming no additional delays).

Fatshark has already tried to tackle Crafting before, utterly failed, and literally all we have is a nearly identical statement about intent and some vague mention of “after summer”. If we take Calendar summer, that’s likely to be late Sept or Oct, so 3-4 months, not 2.

This game has already been bleeding off players, with the current online player count nearly identical to it’s predecessor VT2, while the competition enjoys 10x+ as many players.

Taking nearly two years post-launch to sort out the single most high profile issue with the game, and offering nearly nothing concrete to look forward to or get excited about, doesn’t inspire confidence and isn’t going to tear gaming groups away from other titles.


We got conformation, new promises to serve us as firewood to burn them on, and a new timeline. This is not 0 new news.

If we don’t get itemization dev blog again for a week or something we can poke again, but honestly this amount of negativity is just toxic.

As do I. Now I know for certain, they’ll take their sweet a** time with it (thankfully) and release it in fall, and that they are working on devblog about what they want, so we can discuss some actual stuff on the forum.

I’m all for laughing at FS incompetence, broken promises and whatnot, but this sh-t is just counter productive.


To be fair, “No crafting, ops normal” is better than nothing in a lot of cases. If the situation were silence until next week’s update and there was no itemization, people would still be shaking sticks over the fact that the last comm said maybe it will be in this update.

I mean stick shaking is happening anyway, but this is one less stick that can be raised next week.


You mean, like Strawhat said 27 days ago?

Also, just to be clear. “After summer” isn’t a timeline when FS says it. It can mean literally anything.

Remember when Solo Mode was right around the corner?


I don’t mind the delay so long as it means everything I spent 1300 hours grinding isn’t rendered worthless because brunt can now cough up weapons that go above 380 rating or something more stupidly time consuming, remember divsion 1 insured a lot of weapons by introducing a station that let’s you fill your stat bars to max, the less time I spend crafting the better, hopefully the delay means more actual gameplay stuff can be worked on and fixed, spawns are still not working properlyyyy

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Yes, and considering they are more-or-less scrapping large parts of it (probably), it’s no wonder no devblog has come out.

My only problem with the current post is that it should have come like at least a week sooner. Fail fast and all that.

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That’s your only problem with it?

Not that they didn’t post their ideas four months ago, so maybe they could have gotten the feedback they needed, that would have kept them from developing yet another system that they needed to scrap / wasn’t good enough?


Darktide has 7 different people with C-Suite/Director/Manager/Lead titles credited for Marketing and Public Relations roles, above and beyond CM’s. None of them appear to be interested in managing the messaging and perception of the product or involving themselves with the community.

Fatshark delivered, by your own admission, an underbaked and unready product a year and a half ago, charged full price, still haven’t delivered in full, are spending the better part of an entire year producing mostly filler content instead, and at this point we still have no more idea what’s in store than we did months ago.

In the business world, when you deliver a sub-par product and don’t keep people adequately informed and keep producing stuff nobody cares about, they tend to get mad. I don’t see any reason why that’s not warranted here.


That’s a fair point. Still, bashing them for learning from their mistakes (finally) is quite pointless imo.

Did they learn?

We can’t know that, because their word is worthless (read their first crafting devblog and compare it to the system we got) and they’ve released nothing.


Ok, whatever. Keep asking for more communication while doomposting constantly whenever they open their mouth. I tried to be logical here, but it seems as always it’s for naught, and FS doesn’t deserve more white-knighting from me anyway.