An Update on Itemization

Thanks for clarifying that the itemization update will be post-summer.

That said, please convey to whoever is managing Development priorities that prioritizing Ice Picks and Penances for the majority of 2024 while pushing the itemization content that far down the pipeline was probably not the best use of such dev resources given the state of the game and attitudes of the userbase.

Because to be blunt, double barrel shotguns and green bombers aren’t going to pull me or anyone in my gaming groups away from DRG or Helldivers. Knowing that itemization isn’t going to be until post-summer is basically telling me “forget this game exists and don’t check back until Halloween”, and by that point reigniting interest is going to be increasingly difficult.


The only excuse for taking this long is trying to do something that won’t nuke the inventories of every remaining player.

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Assuming the crafting update is good… this is about how I am feeling with the crafting forum work that’s been done for over a year.


I don’t even care if they make a higher ceiling for items if you could gasp convert your play time into some kind of way of acquiring better items over time.

And not scratch cards/lottery tickets that have to be played (and win) several times to get 1 ‘decent’ item.


Thank you for the heads up and keeping us informed. I would definitely much rather the rework was released in a complete state than half cooked.

I’m looking forward to the patch on Tuesday, cos yay pickaxes, shotguns and bolt pistols.

Looking forward to the Dev blogs on itemisation and on what is instore for this next patch.

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Come on guys, what’s all the negativity here? We have a chance to have a better itemization system later over a bad system sooner. That’s a win in my book.

The whole problem with darktide was that it released too soon…


Judging by the current release timeline of the announcement (assuming item/crafting update drops in october), that’s 3 years too soon.

Kind of a new record, really.


Too little, too late. Claiming to work with the community, but refusing to post ideas to actually get feedback on. The game still not really being in a fully finished release-state. So hopelessly slow, and so hopelessly inept that they made the silly boss fight, silly penances and a gas bomber before they tackled crafting.


To be fair, I’ve lurked for a while. Just wanted to strike while the iron was hot.


Releasing a core part of the game that should have been there at launch 1.5 year ago in a premium game with some of the most predatory monetization in the industry isn’t a win, it’s the freaking bare minimum.


Nah. This has come up as a possibility among my play group (all of us well over a 1000 hours) and was met with universal agreement of uninstallation if this were the case.

My weapons aren’t perfect but I’ve spent a lot of effort and resources accumulating them. Me and my group have gone out of our way many times to suck up all the shinies on the map where many others will leave a large plasteel just sitting in the chest they just opened. To be reset to be at the same level as every other player would be the ultimate “disrespect of my time” that you guys are always whining about.


If it’d come with information or at least a concrete date for that information to arrive, people would be less negative.

Instead what we get is ‘you’re getting nothing for at least two months, and we don’t know enough to tell you what will actually come out’.


I wouldn’t feel im having a negative feeling i more of “mixed” would be the best way to describe it.

On one hand it would have been nice to get some news sooner. On the other I’m glad we are getting any news what so ever and maybe it will be a sign of more commu- Ok i can’t even be that optimistic.

I’m hoping the dev blog on the weekend will be ok, im hoping the update will be good, im hoping we get more info on the upcoming itemization changes but it’s a bit hard to be optimistic when it feels like trying to get hens teeth in regards to information every time.

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Out of curiosity I’ve checked the discord the past 1,5 hours and it’s full of people defending everything Fatshark does and seeing no problem in their behaviour at all.

If this is the pool they source their playtesters for feedback from I don’t have any hope really. Guess I’ll be checking out for another year. See ya lads.


making it so we don’t have to run around with our heads cut off to get crafting materials during missions would be fantastic. It would also be great if it was implemented in a way where players who don’t want to grab any (pretty much everybody now) wouldn’t negatively impact the players that do (and vice-versa). And no more empty chests ffs.

You appear to have answered your own question. The game was released too early, and 18 months later still isn’t finished.

And instead of finishing off and cleaning up core systems like crafting quickly, we’ll be at Q3 of 2024, nearly two years after release before that’s addressed (and we have zero idea of what that will look like or what will be involved aside from almost word-for-word copy-pasta of what Fatshark has said to players before, about wanting to change a system clearly intentionally designed to do what Fatshark says they don’t want it to do) and instead we’ve been getting complete afterthought content like Penances and Double Barrel Shotguns prioritized.

That’s why the negativity.


i think your also forgetting playtesters but you do you

I am sure I am a minority in this case. I suspect the main reason it’s taking so long is to ensure the old items fit in with the rework.

But I suspect we will likely get red weapons or something that gets modifiers that go past 80% anyways likely invalidating all weapons anyways.

May need to balance the difficulty afterwards.


A simple solution would have been to depricate old weapons and award each item a value based on rarity and perk/blessing level. So people can cash in anything from the old system and be immediately able to fully utilize the new system to deterministically get what they want.
All you need is some random “Omnissiah requires you to give me these weapons for xy” line from Hadron and it’d be done.

There’s no excuse for taking that long really. Especially if you’ve been thinking about this issue for more than a minute, let alone year.

I meant the playtesters, edited it for clarity. I don’t have much hope given the current trajectory. Who knows, maybe it’ll be better in a year. I’ll just check back then.


Well, that’s a shame. The community would probably be upset but I think a lot of us already assumed this scenario.

Looking forward to it when it arrives.