Say, where's that "Part 2" of the Itemization Update?

Don’t gemme wrong, Fatshark, I’m really used to being abruptly left hanging for weeks/months/years without acknowledgement from you guys, but last I checked there isn’t a whole lot of “summer” left.

I understand that there’s a nebulous due-date for the content itself, that’s fine. But surely, Fatshark, you guys at least know the general shape of the back half of your update at this stage, right?

So, what’s up and when do we get to learn about what’s next? Are y’all too busy working on yet another port you’re pretending isn’t hoovering up all your resources or are we gonna get an idea of what’s going on so we can tell our friends to be excited or not?


21st of September is not that close

I think that there were some Dev Blogs ready to release but Strawhat has said that they won’t be released till the Devs are back from Gamescom iirc

Ah yes, the PS5 version. Can’t wait for that can of worms to be finally opened.

It’s comming: (Too early for “Here It Comes” meme)

You know what? To hell with “too early” - StrawHat delivers!



Y’all will also have a date this week for the update :shushing_face:


Some folks on this forum sure, but all? Nah…
I for one am too ugly and weird.

Unless… StrawHat are you Big E’s messenger?


for the update - damnit, I was reading too fast.

Erratum 2:

No wait! Joke still works! Imagine: candles, scriptures, servo-skull or two and a cherub with violin. Me and Her dressed in either Guard uniforms or Mechanicum robes (I’m flexible) drinking oil margaritas and reading update notes… Very romantic.



Strawhat, will you marry me? >;3


They used UNLOCKED for the title update, signifying that first and foremost those thrice cursed abominable locks are finally leaving.

Are we redeemed?




At this point we should just stop calling them developers. They don’t develop anything. Modders are the developers now. Everyone in this forum can refer to the “team” working on this game as the sub-par employees being forced to work on a game they obviously don’t enjoy. Why do I say forced? They wouldn’t be working on this game without a paycheck being thrown at their face, that’s for sure. At that point it’s basically forcing them to work on something they don’t like BY throwing money at them.


I’m still waiting for HalfLife2:Episode 3.

I’ve seriously considered creating a Kick Starter funding round to buy the HL license off Valve so we can get it made. Surely a money making gimme if ever there was one?

Also… the irony of having to agree a date to announce the date of the thing! :kissing_heart:

There are currently rumours that are somewhat credible toward HL3.

I’ll be honest, seeing how you’re always negative, I still wonder what you’re still doing here.


they’re still recovering from their last holiday, please be patient


You only see negative because it doesn’t align with your view. My advice is to stop thinking of negativity as a difference of opinion. Also, what about their recent updates and releases do they deserve any type of positive attitude? Explain to me how you see my negativity as a problem. I could understand if I was being negative on a game that didn’t deserve it. What exactly are you defending here?


is not criticism, it’s just presumtious
You have no basis to assume what’s going on in the minds of any employee,
speculate all you want, for all we know it could be literally anything that causes FS to be slow or make dumb decisions.
But apparently you got some insider knowledge that makes it quite “obvious”, I’m sure you’re happy to share, after all you seem to be able to pinpoint this exactly to the lack of enjoyment of the team.

and you would? im sure your boss is going to love to hear that when you call him tomorrow that you no longer want a paycheck.


Cosmo, good lord man, is it just always raining where you live?


Some of his takes are just hilarious man lmao. He does make some good points a lot of the time, though


I am past criticism. I am calling them out for their BS and if majority of people on these forums did the same rather than coddling the developers they would be changing their tune real quick. That’s what the majority of you fail to understand. TWO years of awful updates and optimization, TWO hears of patches being followed by 3 hotfixes just to fix their one patch. TWO years of glitches/issues STILL being prevalent after they’ve been voiced all over these forums and steam forums. Yet you still sit here “oh they will get to it, just let them get off their 15th vacation in two years.”

You have modders doing the work dev’s should of done a year ago. You say its presumptuous? What exactly is presumptuous about modders doing more QoL work than the developers have in the entirety of the games life cycle?

Sorry you can’t handle a difference of opinion that doesn’t align with yours. “Oh god this guy is talking about stuff I am afraid to say again, time to call him negative”