An option to not join the mission in progress

Title. I don’t like joining the missions in progress. Mainly because game often tosses you into a wipe. I know that this option will lead to longer search times, but i’m honestly willing to deal with this.

I suppose you’ll be perfectly happy when someone leaves a mission you’re in and you never get a replacement?

Most of the time leavers are bad players, so yes. I will be fine with this.

900+ hours in, have I experienced instant wipe joining mid game? Yes. Is it annoying? Yes. How often does it happen? Not so often.

As Tzcheese mentioned, this is going to be a bigger concern providing that option to you.

I think the better solution would be preventing people joining a wipe. However, that is difficult to execute because a party can wipe at any moment.

I’m sure a lot of people enjoy joining mid fight to help clutch it out, I do. And when I’m the only one alive and somebody joins in, it’s such a great relief.

One thing you can do to lower the possibility of joining instant wipe is to avoid quick play. There is still a chance but much lower. Since you’re fine with longer wait time, I’m sure this would work out for you well and you can pick the map/mission you like.

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I’ve not used quick play since i got my first char up to 30 which was like a year ago. Still encounter that problem. Also i generally don’t like just joining in the middle of the mission.

If they allow us to create a private game first then make it public later to ensure we start from the beginning would help. We can do that in Vermintide 2, I always do that when I want to host a game.

However, in the beginning I thought you refer to quickplay. I think this request is doable as the majority of people are doing quickplay (I assume), so maybe it’s not going to have a negative impact. But I’m not sure how many players would want this option. If there is no demand for it, I don’t think it will be implemented.

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