AMD 5700 XT - Constant Crash - At wits end

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

GPU: AMD 5700 XT
Driver Version: 23.11.1

  • Have all AMD Super Resolution and Anti Lag settings off

Settings in Game Loader:
Qual- Med
Res: 3440x1440 (native 34 widescreen)
Screen Mode: Full
Vert Sync: Off
FidelityFX Super Res 1.0- OFF
FidelityFX Super Res 2- OFF
Anti Aliasing - OFF
Worker Threads - 1 /4

Guys really like this game but cannot finish a mission without game crashing into freeze then blackscreen. GPU doesnt even sound like its working hard

On occasions it will break my driver and I have to uninstall and reinstall.

I am not the only one having this issue. There are other threads on Steam forums with same 5700 XT issues.

Are there any setting recommendations or Driver roll back options to get game working.

Appreciate any Help!

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Play game for 15 minutes
→ freeze in game
→ black screen
→ crtl + alt + delete wont load task manager.
→ manual PC restart required. WTF

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

It does seem like there may be an issue with recent AMD drivers - I’ve queried this with AMD.

In the mean time, it might be worth exploring this article:

Thanks Julia,

Appreciate your reply and advice re possible solutions for this issue.

Further info on my PC setup is I’m running an Intel i5 CPU and a AMD GPU.

If you feel its most likely an AMD GPU driver issue have you got any advice as to which driver I should roll back to?


I’m not sure right now admittedly, I’m waiting to hear back from AMD. Are there any errors produced in Windows Event History that correspond with your PC losing responsiveness?

Hi Julia,

I’ll investigate my windows event history and advise. Is there anyway to send game’s crash notice directly to you for review?


GUID: 6d54af3e-bca5-4467-afe0-7d810a2a8855
Log File:
Info Type:

GUID: c7de815e-734d-4572-88fb-654db5237b85
Log File:
Info Type:

Julia both these crashes to blackscreen happened after 10 mins of gameplay. In both cases after restart my AMD GPU driver was uninstalled

That’s super, I’ve passed this on. Thank you.

You can try using the AMD Cleanup Utility to cleanly remove last weeks driver and roll back to Driver 23.11.1, that at least helped some people (including me). Although it was mostly because of performance issues and not crashes.

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