Hey, I’m abit new to this site and asking for technical support in general, but since I recently bought a new pc, vermintide 2 has been crashing midgame consistently. I’ve run out of solutions, i’ve checked cpu and graphic cards are up to date aswell as done clean reinstalls for both as well as removeing steam overlay and lowing the game thread count to 6. Nothing has worked so far,
my computer specs are :
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core processor
Graphics: Radeon RX Vega
heres the crash message:
GUID: 58358308-8c8c-4c09-ab03-ce4931306f5f
Log File:
Info Type:
I’m a bit stuck on this one, it looks like an error in our code but the category of error you’re experiencing is usually the result of a localised issue.
Mods created for the project may utilize:
[]Mod options
[]Shared function hooks
[]Chat commands
[]Mutator support (only available in Vermintide 1 at this time)
[]Network calls
[]Rewritten, lightweight mod functions
[]An on-event call system
The Vermintide Mod Framework originally started in Warhammer End Times: Vermintide as an unofficial modding platform. In the time since, VMF has been rewritten and redesigned with contributions from many unique members of the community; culminating in this unified project made for the arrival of official mod support.
If you’re interested in creating mods with VMF, please check out the project’s wiki.
If you’d like to contribute to the code behind VMF, visit the project’s GitHub repository."
download_pending = false
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id = “1369573612”
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last_updated = “10/23/2019 12:36:46 PM”
name = “Vermintide Mod Framework”
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tags = [
ugc_status = 3
url = “https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/930435675449532743/7127648A7F1DCB321D639DAC844BA9A59ED9A6F5/”
author = “bIbIbI(rus)”
author_id = 76561198019079140
banned = false
children = [
dependency_error = “”
description = “We all appreciate Fatshark’s work, but seeing their intro for the 100th time is just annoying. This mod completely disables it.”
download_pending = false
downloading = false
enabled = false
id = “1395453301”
installed = true
last_updated = “12/6/2019 11:35:09 AM”
name = “Skip Intro”
num_children = 1
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sanctioned = true
tags = [
ugc_status = 3
url = “https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/932688426797061472/E0183A7D3791BEDC8C898CA04BF3FFE6F67870D9/”
author = “rain_dish”
author_id = 76561198032229961
banned = false
children = [
dependency_error = “”
description = “Only throw the grim if you’re holding block”
download_pending = false
downloading = false
enabled = false
id = “2033359783”
installed = true
last_updated = “3/24/2020 4:48:09 AM”
name = “New Sticky Grim”
num_children = 1
out_of_date = false
sanctioned = false
tags = [
ugc_status = 3
url = “https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790885445896113566/E2B468D6B6631ED944241911F808CBFEEC9A4BDD/”
author = “Orange Chris”
author_id = 76561198064521069
banned = false
children = [
dependency_error = “”
description = "Display damage numbers over enemies.
This mod also fixes the damage numbers on the training dummies in the keep. Normally, the game removes the decimal point from those damage numbers.