Game crashses and need a reboot to be able to start it again

I post again since my previous post was ignored.

I get this, and it wont go away untill i restart my computer. Happens in almost every game.

GUID: 89414d7e-ff37-477f-ae58-cf89e7f454b2
Log File:
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Hey BrandonHeat.

This does appear to be your first thread here, so I’m not sure what was ignored. When posting for help it’s best to use a dedicated thread instead of interjecting in another :slight_smile:

Your issue looks to be related to your GPU failing, we’d suggest a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers.

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Yea i posted in another thread, were ppl had the same problem as me. And you answered many of them, but not my problem. But w/e

I have reinstalled the GPU drivers and it doesn’t help. That’s why i came to this forums in the first place.

And what i can see on the forums, lots of ppl have the same problem, and you blame it on the GPU.
But all of us can play any other game with out any problem, but when it comes to your Vermintide 2, it crashes. So to me it seems like your game is not optimised on PC, and can use a few patches to help us get by this GPU problem of yours. Our GPU’s love games, but your game doesn’t love our GPU’s.

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