Agripina, graia and columnus guns naming logic

i guess this is a minor thing, since i found no other topics about it, but one that bugs me immensly non the less.

agripina braced is a long barrel, brownish gun with high damage and low rate of fire
columnus braced is a medium barrel, greenish gun with medium damage and medium rate of fire
graia braced is a short barrel, blueish gun with low damage and high rate of fire

agripina infantry is a long barrel greenish gun with high damage and low rate of fire
columnus infantry is a short barrel, blueish gun with low damage and high rate of fire
graia infantry is a medium barrel, brownish gun with medium damage and medium rate of fire

why not have consistensy for ease of undestanding? why do columnus and graia guns perform so differently to one another depending on the type? this is confusing. i presume that these guns are named for a reason and it works in case of lasguns: you hear the name accatran or lucius and you get a mental image of the weapon and it’s general perfomance. why not have the same consistency for autoguns?
the same goes for colours: blue autoguns perform the same across the two types even though they are named differently, but green and brown guns are swapped. even though accatran and kantrael have brown guns for lowest ROF and highest damage and blue guns for lowest damage and highest ROF. i mean i can see the logic that went in there but why wasn’t it applied to autoguns?

i guess that redoing the models is a bit much to ask at this point but, i think at least a simple renaming would benefit this “situation” while the game is still young and majority of players (as it seems) simply ignore the autoguns and thus won’t notice the rename.

i suggest renaming current columnus infantry into graia infantry and current graia infantry into columnus infantry. this will eliminate the perfomance confusion: graia guns will be consistently low damage and high ROF, while columnus will be consistently medium in both stats. colour confusion is less of an issue since the models are somewhat different.


Devil’s in the details.
I agree, not a big change but good for overall consistency.

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