What is the point of the Graia and Columnus Braced autogun?

Hi, i just realised that bothe the Graia and Columnus Braced autogun has 11.11/s fire rate and the same reload speed and stamina. Other than that the Graia has a max of 99 damage and the Columnus 115/116 damage. All the other stats are the same if you check the “inspect weapon” in the inventory. My question is why would you use a gun that has the same stats but has 16 less damage per shots?

Well i quickely found that the Graia gets a higher fiering rate when it is braced and less vertical recoil, where the Columnus only gets less vertical recoil. From my experience, bracing an autogun only helps with vertical recoil (outside of graia that gets higher rate off fire). But why would you use the graia then? Maby the higher fire rate give you equal or slightely higher dps than the columnus. But the ammo efficiency is laughable.

This was just a quick comparison of the Graia and Columnus braced autogun, the “funny” part is that bothe are underwhelming compared to the agripina braced autogun (which also is my faviorite gun). I just wish that Graia and Columnus braced autogun had more off a nich that they filled so that i would want to use them.

Exampel adjustment:

Make it focus on suppressin / horde clear. It could benefit from some damage vs specials, like damage vs maniacs. Let it be bad vs flak and carapace. More ammo, bigger magazines, make it focus more on suppressing the enemies. Maby a max magazine size of 100 rather than 55. Even with a ammo increase i would probably increase its damage vs. light targets, but not by much (unarmored, infested)!

I am having a hard time coming upp with something clever here, maby make it a mario gun that has some off the suppressing power off the Graia, and decent damage vs flak and good vs maniacs and maby unyilding. Around 65 ammo ±10 and as mentioned a slight damage buff.

I love how it currently is performing. The only drawbacks it has is it’
s long range capabilities, litterly heals carapace armor and less ammo efficient than lassgun. I don’t see these as to big of a drawbacks, they just make it interesting to use. It would be cool if it got access to a rending blessing so that i could burst throgh carapace, but i don’t think it fits to well with the lore.

Honestly i feel like the power level of the Agripina braced auto gun should be the standard. And all guns should have their weaknesses and strenghts that makes them desirable to use. Atm I can think of 6 guns that i would use in Damnation, MG XII, bolter, Agripina braced, Vrak MK II Headhunter (burst), revolver. The Headhunter is miles off the strenght off all the other mentioned guns, but it is fun to use.



Old thread, but bumping it because I just discovered this.
Normally the difference between the different marks is stronger, but here the Graia is really just straight up inferior in every way. Same modifiers, same perks, same everything except the Columnus is stronger. Weird but ok.

And then to my understanding agrip is just better Columnus in every practical manner.

But there is still a difference between Columnus and Agrippa, it fires slower and is stronger. But between Graia and Columnus there is no difference, except for the Columnus having more base damage. They’re not even different otherwise, except for the Graia being blue.

Anyone notice Fatshark doesn’t like the color blue? All the bad weapons are blue. Most of the cheap character outfits are also blue, while the good looking stuff is the opposite color - red. Gives me the blues haha.

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