here are the 3 things I want the most now. There are more I know and most are valid but those really grind my gears.
1: Possibility to change voice and sex. I dont want to remake a full character to test new looks and voices.
2: Weekly that I can knock out by normal gameplay. No 1000 dreg or scab ( just put 1000 kill or something) and Grim/scrip are horible. They were fun in vermintide because having them at the same place made it a choice of making the game harder for reward and not a wild goose hunt.
3: The weapon customisation that was promised in the early alpha. Your cosmectic are way to expensive for recolored version of one an other with the occasional kneepad change.
Agreed on the kills. They make you play sub optimally.
I would like to see the following:
All challenges are tiered, so in stead of Kill 500 scabs you get Kill scabs, and a progress bar with cutoff points att say 250, 500, 750, and 1000. Do similar things for all others. Just what we have now, but a progresss bar that you can increase by doing stuff if you feel like it
Let the weekly reward depend on how many tiers you have completed. Complete all Tier 1, you get 500, all tier 2, 1000, all tier 3 1500, and all tier 4 2000 (for example)
Just a suggestion, but I’d think this would be a much better system that I can adapt to what my week might be.
And all other things are moot until this is fixed. I haven’t played since before Christmas and I doubt I will unless they overwork crafting completely. It’s absolute garbage now.
One weapon of each type and let me upgrade the stats of this weapon with mats. There are few things as boring as having 20 of the same gun type in a bag and comparing stats, and then having a UI that does not let you do this easily and efficiently.
Let me slot in and out attachments that I can create with mats, these attachments should be upgradable. This must be as easy as reassigning talent points.
Make some mats really hard to get and make the grind that way. I’d rather not say grind here because the missions themselves are so fun I don’t consider them grindy. Point being, I don’t mind in the slightest that the highest-tier gear takes a long time to get and that it’s walled off behind challenge runs (full book, crazy mission modifiers, etc). I do, however, mind the RNG nonsense we have now which is the antithesis of fun.
You can have some RNG with mats and rewards after missions, but you should always be able to upgrade upwards to have constant progression forwards. The missions should not reward guns and neither shops nor Melk should sell them.
Yes please. I have already selected which Personalities that I want to change my Rejects to when and if they add this feature. I am NOT spending another 100 hours levelling them all back up and thus losing all of my good Wargear rolls in the process just to change my character’s voice.
I like this idea of changing weekly Dreg/Scab kills to weekly overall kills.
Yes, yes, yes! This should also be applied to the other Darktide mods that should be official features - such as Numeric UI for example. The only reason I don’t use mods is because I’m TERRIFIED of them ruining Darktide’s performance because I didn’t implement them correctly - I did that with Fallout 4 once and now that game won’t go 5 minutes without crashing.