After the crafting Update, Good Enough?

We were promised an improvement upon the V2 system (which allows every single item to be made perfect, has no locks and enables players to change the equivalent of perks and blessings as many times as they want) with more player agency and better progression.
The system was supposed to avoid randomization and repetitive actions.

This is what is needed to give us what was promised, and to solve the issues with gear acquisition and ressource imbalances:

  • add option to buy blessings of choice for diamantine
    (circumvents bad rng with blessing acquisition)
  • add option to permanently remove locks for diamantine
    (prevents “bricking” of items, allows to freely swap between builds and reduces inventory clutter)
  • add option to gradually upgrade all modifiers to 100 for diamantine
    (circumvents bad rng with brunt, adds progression and reduces inventory clutter)
  • remove diamantine cost from consecration
    (consecration is an rng system and should not cost any diamantine)