Adjust mat requirements for weapons under 350 to lowered by a very large%

Right now if you got a 300 weapon and a 380 weapon the difference for the last upgrade is like 600-800 plassteel.

No one is gonna upgrade a lower teir weapon to attempt to get a blessing with numbers like that.

Lower the cost of weapons under 360 to like 300 plassteel for the last upgrade and then we can use the low rated weapons to try and get blessings and keep the 360+ up in the 700 range.

That’s the point.

I am only about 95% sure about this since i can only speak from experience and do not know the exact code, but it seems like the chance to roll high tier perks as well as high tier blessings on an item with low modifiers, is lower (and in some cases actually 0) compared to items with high modifiers.
So if your intention is, to get good blessings to unlock, you should not quality upgrade low modifier items in the first place.

That’s true but you want to upgrade while leveling to 30 and not feel like your just wasting your mats.

This way one run of malice could get you some upgrades for the 250 rated weapons before they get sold off in 5 more games.

But your right it does scale so it probably won’t even work well for the end game idea I got.

Into the trash they go.