Also imagine doing a mission where you have to find all the required parts to repair a Leman Russ battle tank then the fireteam uses it to get to another part of the map, each of the characters operating one of the four weapons on the tank
Lucius and Ryza Scoped Hotshot lasguns (Hellguns)
Hotshot Marksman Rifle and Long-las (their different ammunition Grade and Specials)
Hotshot Pistol
Plasma and Boltpistol
Power axe, Fist and Knife.
Force axe, and Helbard.
Non Powered Two handed weapons(V2 Weapons Greatsword, Helbard, Glaive)
Grav weapons
Digital weapons
Combi-weapon attachments
I want to see heretic weapon teams because I think it would be fitting / funny to have a 3 or 4 man rolling around with a heavy weapon. Maybe even have a mechanic where you can reduce the efficiency of them by taking a member out to reduce reload speed / targeting efficiency.
Guy with a grenade launcher has some potential, maybe swaps ammo depending on proximity to friendlies / if there are multiple heretics around. One set of rounds might be a frag where as another might be stubs or toxic smoke.
We don’t exactly have a flying enemy yet so maybe a corrupted cherub or swarm of man eating flies. In addition maybe having a squad leader of some kind that buffs surrounding enemies.
I think variant enemies are something that could be cool and an idea floated a while back. Perhaps grenade throwers with different grenades or an Ogryn skirmisher with a power maul and kickback.
We also lack a real meaty boss so maybe a novice sorcerer boss akin to Vermintide?
Making a separate section for weapons I think working on a hell gun would be neat where it’s essentially a super powerful version of the current infantry las but has next to no dodge and after extended use needs time to cool down. Essentially it’s one large mag and cooldown and it being cumbersome is a large factor.
I would like to see a man sized grenade launcher in game with maybe a few different marks which signify different standard grenade types (standard HE, Frag, Krak) with the special ability being similar to shotgun (Stun nade, Promethium, Acid / chemical). Generally it would be in a similar category to the plasma gun in that it’s large and powerful but smaller ammo pool.
Having a medium stubber would also be neat modeled off the Krieg or Necromunda weapons. Maybe a portable auto cannon for the Ogryn would be fun to have especially with the gunlugger skill set.
Plasma and immolation pistols are a must, as suggested elsewhere I think running different plasma gun marks would be great. Having also a larger chain axe would be a neat addition.
Dual pistols / swords or even a pistol / sword combo.
Ice staff that throws ice shards or creates a blizzard effect that freezes enemies would be something different.
I would suggest poison blades and long las rifles but I feel like that would get its own class.
Nah, just a kmart brand 2 handed chainsword.
Rail shooters are super cool the first time but not the 100th. I love the idea of repairing the russ though.
To modify the idea i wonder if a defense mission with some pre set defenses l4d style would be neat like having a few pre set multi-las or a heavy bolter / auto cannon for support.
Expanding a bit on the train idea from a different thread i wonder if a feature could be that trains are constantly passing by and stopping that have different heavy weapons pre-setup on them that the players can take over to help in a big supply zone or used to destroy other equipment.
I think heavy weapon set pieces that are optional but fun to use could be great.
Here’s a list of weapons I’d like to see added.
Ogryn: Heavy Bolter, Autocannon, 2h greatsword, massive 2h club
Veteran: MG42 lookin’ Stubber, Meltagun, Hotshot Las/Volleygun
Zealot: Two-Handed axes/chain axes, 2h greatsword
Psyker: New staffs, Force Spear, 2h Forcesword
Dual weapons: sword + dagger, sword + axe, sword + sword etc.
i’d rather them do an overhaul of the ai and fix stuff that’s currently wrong with the existing enemies; like trappers’ nets going through solid objects.
having the ai react to each other and certain situations in more unique ways would be better than just throwing in brand new enemies, imo. an ai overhaul would introduce new ways of dealing with already-existing enemies, which is better than just throwing in some new enemies, which would probably just add more stuff that could potentially go wrong lol
having cultists (trying to) move out of the way of mutants, hounds, ragers, and trapper nets would be awesome. having the flamers and bombers actually trying to divide your team or cut off escape routes, and being a threat to their own teammates would be nice, too.
I’ve seen a lot of art about w40k and have a few friends who’ve played it since forever, but I don’t really know anything about the lore myself aside from the stuff I’ve picked up on in random conversations. That said, I’d love new weapons simply for build variety tbh. I have over 1.5k hours in the game on T5+ since release and there’s a lot of stuff I’d love to see that I think would work great for the game. :>
Psykers now have things like Assail, Smite & Venting Shriek (w/ Creeping Flames) and Illisi to help deal with hordes. Yet we still have no boss killers aside from Trauma vs. slugs. So it would be great if we got a something similar to the Bolt Staff.
I’ve also always felt like the vet could use a proper sniper. People often refer to the Helbore or Plasma as it, but especially with the latest updates they have a lot of different talent & blessing interactions that make them different. While the T5 HISTG enemy numbers - elites specifically - are larger than ever. Furthermore, since the class overhaul there’s more build variety than ever with vets having the ability to combine vet-exclusive weapons with things like melee builds and stealth. So I think there definitely is a place for an extreme type of a sniper that’s still balanced overall with the other weapons.
So what if we got a huge sniper specialized exclusively for elite takedowns. With by far the highest damage per shot of any ranged weapon in the game, it could 1-shot elites even with little talent investment. It would have enough cleave to kill several specials or ragers per shot, while ofc going through a few horde or those friendly oggy backs. With ideal bles
With that in mind, imagine a sniper that had the most extreme damage of any weapon in the game by far. It would also have enough cleave to deal with those horde and friendly oggy backs and to reward skill for lining up shots to take down several specials or ragers at once. With optimal stats and blessings and maybe some talents, it would be uniquely capable of even cleaving through an oggie or two. And ofc. it would come with a satisfying distinct sound along with the best long range scope in the game to make those headshots and long distance snipers easier than ever.
But to offset all this it would be slow and unwieldy, have horribly bad dodge count and distance, double stamina cost for sprinting like the oggy shovels and shields, have an extremely low ammo count and low ammo per clip (possibly some bolt lock thing so you need to load each round separately) and rely on the ammo aura and successful kills to remain above minimal economy. It would not be a lasgun, to make sure it’s not just a simple upgrade for Helbores’ Shock Trooper & Surgical combo. The scope’s zoom, while amazing for mid+ distance targets would turn into a disadvantage against near melee range enemies. It would also be slow to aim with and have an extreme recoil. And finally the primary fire would be extremely inaccurate and suffer from a damage penalty, so it would still be useful in panic situations to pull off that 1 shot against an elite (which might not even kill them, merely stagger) before being forced to change to melee to survive.
This msg is getting super long, but I think there’s tons of good spots for new weapons between the extremes of range vs melee, or horde vs. elite for all classes. And quite a bit room for ultra-specialized weapons past those extremes too, all with plenty of ways to balance them. And people have posted plenty of great ideas in the past too about completely different types of weapons, like dual wielding pistols or SMG’s, or a sword & pistol combo. With psykers we could definitely use more staves too. Psykers in general have so many unused options I feel, like the unique special push with their laspistols. We could have staves that combine powerful melee attacks with ranged utility, or channeling based weapons like the Beam Staff in VT2, and so much more. :>
But I thoroughly enjoy watching enemies eat dirt because Mutants barrel through them
I would really like to see more weapons over time though. That’s where a significant portion of the fun lies (for me, at least) - new enemies would be cool too, preferably as a new faction so that they can be very different rather than just being a small extension to the enemy factions we know and love hate.
i do too lol i’m just saying it’d be nice to have enemies TRY and react to stuff like that, rather than just standing there or being oblivious to everything going on around them.
On top of new weapons & or enemies, what about changing it up for the players and throwing in a new class or two. Aka Tech priest/skitarii, or even an Arbites (who could do a take no damage modifier for the whole party for so long or is armed with a ript shield) along with adding more homeworlds, and background options, possibly even adding rattlings
I love this idea, especially if they give us a long las/hot shot varient that only has like 6-10 rounds normal and 4-6 hot shot, but it one shots enemies and over penetrages multiple targets based on their health/armor. So theoretically it can also help deal with hoards
What they have in stock and don’t deliver us:
And I fully agree that the game need more enemies… but I would like a new type of enemies, not just a variation of dreg or scab.
They probably will, as before they were on the tree and the xbox.
So it might be in the next couple of patches (Models aren’t the only thing a weapon need to be in game)
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