As a player who plays on 4 and 5 difficulty mostly it seems to be oppressively common to be revived in a fight only to be IMMEDIATELY downed before you can even move. While missing a wound (which you will always be after being revived) and without toughness (which you will always be after a revive) it is laughably easy for enemies to one shot you as soon as you stand up. Even lowgrade enemies such as a couple of poxwalkers can 1 shot a player who was just revived, and with most high level missons having hordes of crushers and maulers than can’t reasonably be cleared before killing the downed player even tanky classes are subject to this unnecessarily annoying game mechanic.
A simple, short invulnerability timer after revive, even as short as .5 or .25 seconds would drastically reduce this annoying and quite common occurrence.