A few suggestions to make the game better and less grindy

Hello, here’s a few suggestions that I think alot of people would get behind.

First, you should guarantee gold drops at damnation. And when playing auric damnation, higher chance of getting a stacked gold item. Give us something rewarding for our efforts because right now it isn’t fun to get a freaking purple item after completing an auric damnation level.

The grind sux, NOBODY likes it. Give us more ressources at the end of the missions so we can go craft more items so we can play more than 1 build and more than 1 character.

Give us builds tabs so we can switch on the go between at least 3 different build.

For the emperor’s reward, give us 3 options to choose from at the end of the level and make us choose one that fits best our gameplay or what we strive to.



There are build tabs (up to five).

I think ressources as of damnation are okay, can’t judge lower difficulties, haven’t tried since they increased the ressources gained per mission.

For the Emperor’s Gift i’d prefer if they would be guaranteed level 360 from Auric, I wouldn’t even care about their rarity … most of the time I get sum 300-junk, that is more enoying to me…


There have been several ideas to make the grind not as bad. Be able to upgrade traits of weapons, remove locks on blessings and perks. Vermintide 2 red equivalent gear, etc. The RNG is pretty awful.


for just maintaining gear yeah, for the gamble fest trying to get blessings the devs seem to expect it’s really not, nor do i think any amount by itself could be

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a choice of three gurenteed gold items is fine, i wouldnt difficulty gate them i wouldnt have the resources increase with difficulty either just have them go up with level and at 30 you get the same as a auric damnation now across the board.

its a tide game its in the core loop people should play what they feel is fun , not ruin higher difficulty games because they want or think they need the loot there.

we shouldnt cue for highest difficulty through a reward motivation but from a desire to do it.

For regular Damnation, sure. But making an even better reward for Auric Damnation is just a bad idea. Auric is there purely for the challenge, you should not feel obliged to play it to upgrade your gear, otherwise you’re going to muddy the pool of players there with even less competent and well-kitted out ones.

It’s not about getting a purple from an auric Mission that infuriate me, it’s that even the golds that i get suck, having often less than 340 stats rating ot shitty blessings (usually both)


There is no such thing, what are you even talking about?

Added you and the thread to the memorial wall :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably having enough to get something when Fatshark nerfs the preferred combo into oblivion.

i meant just changing blessings/perks on the available slots of ur already acquired ‘perfect’ rolls for the sake of experimenting/tweaking builds post updates

actually trying to get idealized gear and blessing unlocks? no difficulty offers enough

I mean. To fully upgrade a 370-ish rated gear you need ~1400-1500 plasteel. And 2 damnation games will give you exactly that.
To unlock the blessings you’d be better off just getting some trash to blue lvl. It only consumes ~250-300 plasteel, and you can get 2 of them per game.
It’s not fast, yeah. But by lvl 100 on any char you’re going to have several sets of top tier gear.
One thing can be said about actually getting good stats from the shop, but only lazy people haven’t complained about it here.

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I disagree - imo after 3 to 4 runs in damnation you got enough plaststeel and diamantine to get at lest 3 Weapons from white to gold.
And with Brunt’s I got mostly with roughly 250k at least 3 decent weapons … but I’m not desperately trying to get a 380. I’m happy with the range beginning at 365 (sometimes even 360 is good enough).
And with all the Emperor’s Gifts that are trash stat-wise, there is often enough a level 3 Blessing for my library.
And tbh I think there is rarely a blessing that really needs level 4 (I’m not saying there isn’t any - powercycler jumps to my mind …)

And there is Sire Melk, who may offer in a very rare moment a Blessing for the library on a Trash weapon or a decent weapon that could be upgraded with stuff from my Library…

And I feel there is no real meta any more you can run what you like and you can be successful, some gear might perform better than other but there is rare a kit that does not work at all …

okay and what if it takes 200 weapons to get 1 of the blessing you want? yesterday i spent a fortune just trying to get thrust IV for a t.ahmmer and the ‘best’ thing i got out of it was getting half a dozen thunderous III back to back when getting them to blue, four of those gave me shock and awe IV when getting them to range, no a single thrust of any level(and this are just a handful of the many hammers i made yesterday blessing hunting)

and of course this is 1 weapon, things are way worse when trying to get blessings for weapons that dont share the same blessing pool, have fun psykers trying to grow their earned blessing list for their staves

this if of course just blessings, and honestly i think trying to get a 380 is imo a smaller issue than trying to get a decent enough stat roll that doesnt come with awful initial perks/blessings

you cant, well you can but it doesnt matter, your disagreement doesnt change reality

you could get smth you want after 1 game of damnation if you get lucky or simply never get it in hundreds or thousands of hours of play time cause the r in rng means randomized

sure the more you play the more chances of getting what you want but with how the game is designed it’s a very frustrating process

But NOW you start about the rng-crafting, which nobody likes. Before this you just wanted more ressources to play in the rng.

I agree on the matter, that crafting atm is annoying to say the very least…
I disagree on the matter that we do not get enough ressources…

You can go for thrust 3. To be completly fair, you don’t have to go for lvl4 blessings as much as you think you should. Same way you don’t have to go for a perfect 380. You can easily go for 370 or even 360 if the weapon has a dump stat.
Complaining about 2 rng layers is fine. Nobody likes them. Complaining about not getting enough resources? I don’t think i’ve seen any other threads like this.

the resources are used for the rng-crafting and the grind cant really be separated from it until it is addressed

the reason resources are currently not enough is cause of the way the grind currently works where it can demand the equivalent of a a hundred missions to maybe get a blessing you want from buying armory weapons and consecrating them and then doing that again trying to get another one and then more times trying to get good-enough starting roll that doesnt come with dead perks cause of the 2 change lock system(not saying 380s are necessary or even realistic in any way)

and of course melk is an unreliable source of anything too, my latest daily reset had him have like 1 or 2 tier 4 blessings across my 4 characters, 1 of which i already had

again the issue with resource gain is entirely linked to the current grind and how it works

if the way to get blessings was improved, if more weapons shared earned blessings even if their pools werent identical and if the 2 lock system was removed then resource gain could prolly stand to remain as is

also again i didnt get a thrust of any level :frowning:

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Alright my bad about the build tabs i never noticed it. Which means im probably not the only one…
Regardless of that, the grind is too much at the moment, I wanna play my zealot but he has absolute dogsht gear, so I am forced to play with my vet to grind mats to gear up, pain in the ass if you ask me.

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