A different take on the game

I just don’t understand these discussions anymore. Who wants Darktide to become Vermintide? Nobody. Neither Darktide nor Vermintide are pure Melee or Ranged games, both have a very similar concept, obviously, and I wouldn’t want to miss one or the other in either game. But that wasn’t the point at all, despite all the criticism of Darktide and the comparisons with its predecessor. The crux was pretty much all the systems around the gameplay, which were implemented better in Vermintide than in Darktide.
Hardly anyone criticized the gameplay, although I don’t think it’s necessarily well thought out either, which you only notice on higher difficulty levels.

I also asked what was so great about the Darktide gameplay compared to Vermintide, but unfortunately I didn’t get any real answers where it really stood out and what exactly made it better. Maybe I’ll get an answer to that now…

If anything, players who have already played Vermintide would have surely wanted a new fresh game design (see the discussions about non-existent weapon attachments for example) and not a 1:1 gameplay copy in an unfinished game, because unfortunately Darktide is not much more at the moment. So it’s not about turning Darktide into Vermintide at all, but to make it better and stand out more.