Bug fixes:
- Lighting bug from active. Easy fix, give a buff instead that appears in bottom left corner, do not change the lighting / coloration of screen during active.
- Huntsman active sound bug. Remove all sound from huntsman active outside of voice lines
- FoV bug, there is already a mod to fix it, I suggest using something similar for live side
Huntsman is in an “OK” spot, competing with other ranged careers can be difficult or seem pointless if the players involved are competent.
Biggest issues:
Slow weapon swap: This one is honestly fine as long as power is restored to the weapon, as of now its pitiful vs bosses and CWs outside of active and even then it only puts huntsman on par with say a BH
Longbow Zoom: Also fine, but could be removed, seems useless in the longrun
Huntsmans biggest drawbacks is that he is given the option of 2 weapons for range Handgun or Longbow, both of which are relatively slow to aim and reload, he has no options any longer to easily deal with CWs or Bosses (like shade / BH) and should be compensated accordingly, as in 1.0.7 huntsman longbow hit very hard and easily compensated for the lack of speed in which he could fire.
As it stands now longbow is outclassed by elven longbow (due to drop, ease of fire, accuracy (only if you use full zoom or are shooting outside of suggested range where HS longbow has significantly more drop off), outclassed by Xbow, after buffs Xbow does more single target damage per shot even when used on non-ranged careers, this seems very poorly designed considering huntsman is a ranged squishy.
Another big drawback applies to Kruber in general, the halberd is the only weapon worth using on Legend period, this is fine for FK and Merc because they are melee centric and are compensated to deal with melee combat much easier than huntsman however the Halberd slows the player considerably (I feel like now its even more than 1.0.7, i’ve been less successful with kiting in general) This is a MASSIVE issue for a ranged career like huntsman who basically plays like a mustache elf, the bigger issue is even if you aren’t using halberd all of Kruber’s weapons slow him considerably compared to other ranged careers or are just plain bad, such as 1h sword.
Ultimately Kruber is underplayed for a number of reasons.
- Stale cookie cutter weapon options for higher difficulties
- Class roles are generally under performing across the board. Merc is good at hordes but hordes are generally trivial and easily handled by other careers that have more versatility, Fk is tanky and can stagger bosses, but bosses have been made easier it is less necessary to take him for the sake of utility and IB is all around a better tank class while handmaiden is better for utility.
- Talent options actually make all 3 Kruber careers feel unique and different but this is limited by weapon options and a lack of usefulness in fulfilling multiple roles.
Are Kruber careers playable on legend? Very much so
Are they all steadily dropping in terms of viability compared to other classes. Most certainly
I currently play Kruber and probably always will for the lifespan of V2, that being said, i’ve dumped numerous hours into this game and I can understand why this hero in general could be unappealing to newer players, or even legend players that occasionally struggle with maps.
Now, while I do think certain careers could be tweaked to be less brain dead (BH, Shade, Pyro, ect) I do not think these classes should be brought down to the level of current huntsman or even Kruber in general, he likely deserves some buffs of QoL improvements so he can see more play while the other classes can receive subtle changes to make the play more engaging and less brain dead.