I just finished 120 weaves in season 2, and i would like to give some feedback on them, things that have been improved and could be improved even further. I saw some players on these forums who are also going for 120 weaves and arent far behind, and i’d love to hear their feedback aswell.
Positive changes
alot less damage scaling: In comparison to season 1, the damage scaling is much less, i believe its 175%, which is not alot in comparison to 1000% from s1. This made players able to play other careers again, without being forced into a shield burn comp. Good change.
Fixing certain cheese spots: When players did season 1 alot used what we call ‘cheese spots’ where enemies can’t reach you, combined with lingering flames battlewizard, this was the main strat to progress the higher weaves. In s2 they fixed alot of those, which is always good.
Objectives counting 80% of the essence bar: Previously there could be times where you didnt had enough essence, even after doing every objective and killing every enemy, which is now fixed.
Blue ball weave: instead of remove hp, it only removes green health, and gives you a debuff at which ur temp hp starts to decrease faster, great change in my opinion, still makes it so you can run into balls some time, but stilll punishes you if you do. only minor complaint is with a pyro, merc, zealot you have so much temp hp generation you basically negate every debuff, maybe this doesnt happen on lower level weaves, because you have less enemies.
Improvements for season 3
Personal toughts on what could improve for next season
Add matchmaking to ranked weaves: I’m sure Fatshark is already aware of this, but this would be a good QoL improvement
Remove damage scaling: I’m still not a a fan of damage scaling, a little bit of damage scaling is fine, maybe make it 140-150% max
Make every map the same in difficulty: I’m not sure if fatsharks plays their own higher weaves but some maps + certain winds + scripted events can make such a huge difference in difficulty. Either play them and organize them in order, or nerf them, because right now you can play For example 104 (not sure if thats the triple mino totem weave, but its the one i mean) and then the next ones are super easy in comparison, it’s weird.
shorter maps or more time: these go hand in hand, because we have a timer, and because objectives count 80% towards your progress bar, killing objective weaves for example, don’t take long, and most of the time you are skipping 1/3 or even 2/3 of the map, because you either dont have time, or your bar is full and you just kite towards the ending with your team.
Leaderboards need fixing: If leaderboards should be the only reason we play the weave season, it should work and be reliable, Invite ranks are still available, boosting score by leaving at the end of a weave, weave score not showing on leaderboards because host crashes (which happend to us), plenty of other ways to boost score, i did some testing in season 1 and i’m pretty sure you could artificially boost your score by leaving instead of dying, because you get less points for dmg taken/downs/deaths/time spent etc
Remove lingering flames: This talent is broken, the higher the density, the more usefull this talent becomes, yes it kills slow on normal adventure mode., but in weaves where you sometimes get vomited alot alot of enemies, this talents shines and is still as broken as in season 1. Combine this with ‘cheese spots’ and u basically can’t die while completing the weave. Either tone down certain density on certain maps (as point 3 discusses)or remove lingering, i would say remove lingering.
Give us a new wind/different adventure map or different scripted events: as i did season 1, every weave is the same as in season 1, the only difference is they shuffled the winds around, there is basically nothing new, except we got to enjoy them with different careers now. I don’t expect every season a new bit of a map or 20 new winds or new scripted fights, but atleast give us something new in a season, that makes it worth checking out in the season, if that is 1-2 new winds or a different adventure map changed into a weave map, anything would be better then just re using the same winds and fights and maps
Clear about rewards: Communication has been an issue sometimes, and i appreciate the effort to keep us in on whats going on around the company with the weekly friday posts, i enjoy them personally. A good improvement for season 3 would be to be clear and upfront on if there are gonna be rewards only available in this season, if it will rotate back in or not, etc (there is a huge post in the feedback catergory if you wanna check it out) Please be clear about any specific rewards at the start of the season, so nobody get suprised. from what i understand now, by looking at the achievements tab, the season 1 frame is gonna be available to everyone, every season, and the season 2 and the coming ones i’m assuming, will be season locked
Make the first 40 weaves complete: I dont understand that we can start playing from weave 40, but still have to clear 1-40 to get the frame, this is super boring. Make it unlock automaticly or make us unlock the 1-40 frame by doing 40-80, they are the same winds etc, just harder.
This is all i could think of right now. i would love to get everyones feedback, if you did weaves and have some feedback, please post them, but try and also include which weaves you did so people reading this can get an idea of the difficulty you play them on and what issues bother you about them. (or the positive changes).
ps: the only thing that made me very annoyed and mad where the amount of crashes happening during weaves, , it made me enjoy those last weaves alot less, frustrated me alot. I’m sure some crashes happen on adventure mode aswell, and are not all on weaves only.