Zealot kit makes a lot less sense with the toughness bleed through changes

A large portion of the zealot kit is dependent on you being at low health, which really isn’t as viable as it was in VT2 since we have no mechanism for generating temp health and toughness doesn’t act the same as an overshield.

Perks like Retribution and Honor The Martyr are incredibly worthless if i can get hit by something at low toughness and have all my health disappear. There’s no incentive for me to play the class this way, it doesn’t work like how it did in VT2.

The zealot kit really makes no sense with the current toughness system. They really should redesign some of his perks so they don’t require you to be in such a precarious state to utilize them. The class is playable if you ignore some of these useless perks, but much like other classes it feels like there’s basically one decent way to build the class and the rest are super sub-optimal.


Now hold on. Martyrdom isn’t stacking correctly currently, and when it works as intended that one will be pretty forgiving. -90 hp out of potentially easily over 300 shouldn’t be too tall an order to play with. Main problem is the low health attack speed feat matches up poorly with this, and there’s a lack of synergy with Martyrdom in his tree.

I made a detailed Zealot feedback post a few hours ago I would love feedback on that makes suggestions to turn this into a coherent build.

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Yeaaaaahhhh… makes a lot of sense for Matryrdom stacks being broken for 4 weeks now. Still not fixed.