You guys took the fun out of being a Gun Psyker!

YES !! You guys took the fun out of being a Gun Psyker!! recently there’s no shot a Gun Psyker can complete a Damnation or even The Twins fight on Damnation! Why or How ?? if you ask??

The games A.I or Director as some call it…will simply send in a horde of Ragers, Crushers or Shield Crushers all at once and the only way to get out of that is with a Trama or Surge Staff… You Claim to give us this free will to choose what we can play… but in reality we have NO CHOICE to only use Staves weapons for crowd contols and aoe

…Gun Psykers are only for regular horde crowd control or Single Target dps … BUT theres no chance in hell a gun psyker is getting away from a circle of Ragers, Crushers…

No! don’t nerf anything BUT BUFF the Gun Psykers power with GUNS to handle these OP groups…Buff the Apgripinaa Revolver or some of the guns they are allowed to use…

And of course people will come in to tell me to use the shield for stuns but then you’re not really a gun psyker if you’re not using Scriers Gaze Or Use Smite… then you can’t use Brain rupture…

Look Guys Just Buff Gun psykers weapons …make it just as even with the staves to have fun again

Being a gun psyker might be fun for you, but it sure is not fun for your teammates who also use guns. IMO, guns should be taken away from psykers and a lot more staves and tools like staves should be given instead.


I’d just advise you to move down one difficulty level while learning the subclass.


I made a simple guide for you if you aren’t just here to whine:

See crusher.

Hit 1 to pull out MK IV Duelling Sword with Uncanny strike.

Laugh a bit.

Heavy spam.

Kill crusher.

Laugh some more.

See rager pack.

Shoot rager pack.


See bulwarks.

Get mad.

Throw assail up in the air.

Look down at bulwark again. Assail hits the bulwarks back staggering it.

Shoot bulwark dead.

Spit on bulwark corpse.

Send picture of recently spit moistened corpse to his sh*tty little bulwark family, and say they’re next in your note.


(works with smite as well, but that requires teamwork o nooooo)

Also, just use infantry autoguns. MK V is probably getting nerfed because no way its not, but MK I Agripinaa is extremely good on gun psyker, and also benefits from nearly 100% crit rate if you can hit weakpoints.


So what would other classes do if there’s a horde of bulwarks coming?
As a gun Psyker, you are free to use Smite for CC, or just use a force sword and push them all to the ground.
Or rely on your teammates.
I will never understand the people saying “psykers shouldn’t have guns”, because I can’t wrap my head around the notion that other classes and other players exist solely to facilitate their preferred niche of play, but, ultimately, a Gun Psyker with scrier’s gaze can’t take care of everything just with a gun; Zealot and Ogryn aren’t any better at that.
Yes, it is perfectly fine to play with a gun and forcefield. And no, you don’t need to use brain rupture with a gun. Why would you do that? For the “once every 15 seconds” extra damage? Sure, it’s extra damage, but at that point, you’re just min-maxing, and you’ll have to accept that you lose flexibility over that.


Gun Psykers watching me steal their kill with “Superiority Complex” and “Bring it Down!”:


I follow this guy on YT and he just released this video of a solo run as a gun psyker. Maybe you can learn a thing or two from this:


If you choose a specialist build that cannot deal with certain enemies, let your teammates deal with them and assist any way you can. Even if it’s just sticking around, your presence is enough to give them toughness regeneration.

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LMAO :rofl:

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A lot of gunpsykers seem to forget that Scryers Gaze works with their melee weapon as well, and as Tempest mentioned above, a MK IV dueling sword with Uncanny Strikes will chew through crushers and carapace in general.

With Scryers Gaze activated and no Disrupt Destiny stacks i can basically three shot a crusher comfortable with three heavy attacks to its head, if i crit on one of those attacks i bring it down to 2 heavies to the head.
The high mobility of the weapon will keep you safe if you know what you are doing, and since the weapon only has stabs on its heavies, it will be easy to land attacks to their heads even in high stress situations.

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I haven’t tried the Twins Fight (as i see no reason to do the Twins Fight), but i regularily play my Psyker, often with guns, on HI Damnation, generally auric. Only reason to go staff, for me, is when i have teammates i know will waste a lot of ammo and i am not in a mood to compete with them for the ammo boxes.

That isn’t the only way. Force Swords have an amazing extended push and can deal damage to armor. Combat Axes and Dueling Swords can deal with Ragers and Crushers in their own was… and those are the “low effort” options.

You could also use a Chainsword, although i don’t know why you would given the above options. There are many ways to deal with them. Not to mention that being a Gun Psyker doesn’t mean you lose your Blitz and if you bring Brain Rapture you can Rapture all of them easily.

Controversial idea: Use your Melee weapon. Shocking, i know. And if you are now telling me “but i get downed”, then i have to tell you: That is a you problem, not a problem of the Class. Work on your fundamentals. Try to improve. Use Blocks and Repost, especially Repost exists for a reason, just like Special Attacks exist for a reason.

The Special on the Combat Axe, for example, is high stagger. Hitting a Crusher in the Head actually can stagger them.

Psyker Melee is quite strong, especially since you can Peril Block and have increased Dodge (including a few other Dodge options).

You crutching on your Ranged Option to deal with this doesn’t mean you cannot learn how to deal with it. I know its challenging. But i went from not being able to deal with 1 Rager to dealing with 3 Ragers with my Psyker, by putting in the work and learning how to melee them. Sure, i still get overwhelmed, but that is what you got teammates for.

Who said you aren’t a gun psyker without Scrier’s Gaze? And what is wrong with using Brain Rapture to deal with armor? Next you are about to tell me you can’t dodge and Brain Rapture at the same time.

You get increased Dodge as Psyker… use it.

I could agree that it would be nice if they would get more ammo pool, but i don’t really see the need for a buff here. Especially since its the same guns the Zealot and Veteran use.

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Vicid makes it work really well

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LOL, this is so absolutely wrong. I’m destroying AURIC with my gun psyker.

Thank You for this …once again i’ve regained hope

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The Main Issue i pointed out was …When a horde of at least 5 Ragers ,5 crushers and 4 Bulwark appear literally from around a pole You as a gun Psyker do not have a chance the only realistic option is to use the Trama staff for a situation like this… and Everytime i go Psyker the A.I LITERALLY THOW THIS AT ME… this is my entire point of writing this… every build should be equal to get out of ANY SITUATION! ITS NOT A THING !

The only time Gun Psykers was good when stuff like that doesn’t happen… even if you were to melee a couple THERES NO SHOT YOU’RE KILLING 5 CRUSHERS WHILE A GROUP OF RAGERS ARE CHARGING… only way you’re getting out of that is an AOE attack… and the closes thing we have is smite so if you’re using rupture or Assail you’re screwed…

so now what? reroll talent?? you basically have to …and not have the chance to really enjoy what you like to use because the A.I will counter it with something it knows you can’t ,

There’s lots of ways you could deal with those on gun psyker… You could take revolver or you get really good with dueling swords, use BB with wildfire build, assail or just cc with smite. Are you playing mostly melee? That’s the only mael that I don’t take guns into, and well it has no ammo pickups so idk why you would…

Man, OP should try go watch telopot.

If you’re being rush by Ragers maybe you should try kiting backward and kill them first instead of standing around getting your face bash in tring to kill Crusher. Choose your priority.

I wish Psyker could use chain axe but it’s locked off from them. Zealot and Vet only.

I don’t know why you’d advise him to use chainaxe/chainsword against Ragers when Psyker already have one of the best weapon that’s Dueling Sword though. Unless it’s personal taste ofc.

and maybe Deimos force sword. Face planting a Crusher by stabbing them in the face is kinda funny.

Not saying Chainaxe is bad though, I played with it from time to time and it’s a powerhouse for sure but the bad mobility is a bit off-putting.

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What am I reading?

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