YES !! You guys took the fun out of being a Gun Psyker!! recently there’s no shot a Gun Psyker can complete a Damnation or even The Twins fight on Damnation! Why or How ?? if you ask??
The games A.I or Director as some call it…will simply send in a horde of Ragers, Crushers or Shield Crushers all at once and the only way to get out of that is with a Trama or Surge Staff… You Claim to give us this free will to choose what we can play… but in reality we have NO CHOICE to only use Staves weapons for crowd contols and aoe
…Gun Psykers are only for regular horde crowd control or Single Target dps … BUT theres no chance in hell a gun psyker is getting away from a circle of Ragers, Crushers…
No! don’t nerf anything BUT BUFF the Gun Psykers power with GUNS to handle these OP groups…Buff the Apgripinaa Revolver or some of the guns they are allowed to use…
And of course people will come in to tell me to use the shield for stuns but then you’re not really a gun psyker if you’re not using Scriers Gaze Or Use Smite… then you can’t use Brain rupture…
Look Guys Just Buff Gun psykers weapons …make it just as even with the staves to have fun again