Wyrmwood voxs should be ingame

I believe there should be some way ingame to view the Wyrmwood Voxs. Either as an audio file someone can listen to while walking around and doing things in the hub or as an ingame video player.
I’m aware it isn’t particularly difficult to view them on YouTube or on Twitter, but I still believe the option should exist.
Especially if a player isn’t particularly active on social media platforms.


Couldn’t agree more.

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Full agreement on this. It always baffled me how many high-quality assets are inside and outside of the game, but both inaccessible.
If you’ve got the right channels subscribed and the right mods to spy mostly original ingame content, you really start to wonder where all of that stuff went.

Finding these in game would be great, a random vox system blinking green for players to interact and listen to in-between fights would be great.


THIS. Please!

Or collecting the recordings, so we can listen to our findings on the mourningstar is viable.

My thought also. Push these voxes after login. Make us watch it once then make it skippable.

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