Would you be interested in a difficulty higher than Damnation?

I usually play heresy or low damnation so I don’t see myself ever using it but I wouldn’t mind it if the more hard core player had their cataclysm mod. More fun for them and it would reduce the amount of time you could end up with one player so much more performant than the rest of the team that you barely get the chance to have fun^^

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No. I think Damnation is well balanced to give enough challenge without becomin boring, and enough time consumption.
If they add more fine, if it will be well balanced.
But it never happens with all this stupid modificators that just turn any run into chore. High and low insensity is the worst, low makes to empty and easy, and High increase time spend on one mission up to 20-30 minutes wich is absurd and dumb, and only what it does just overspam with enemies killin all tactics turning game into mindless serious sam like game.
Ill had way more fun playin 4 missions by 30 minutes each, than 2 missions 1 hour per one! On 40th minutes ill vomit from this mindless slaughter.

Ok fine remover all this modificators and add some buttripin new difficulty.

Yes, Exterminatus difficulty with higher health and stagger resistances, along with higher horde frequency, density and elite spawns amidst Hordes. No additional rewards, purely for challenge.

I think they increased the difficulty with the last patch.
Probably all hi-int, but definitively Hi-Int STG.
There are many more waves at every step.
It was like 1 in 3 games fail. Now it’s more like 9 in 10 games fail (pubs)

Screw that noise, damage sponging is a seriously boring way to add difficulty.


“Sponging” yeah, sure enemies not falling over from a light touch is too much to ask for?

Maybe it’s an issue with only one or a couple of weapons or blessings.
Can you post screenshots of the weapons that have these ridiculous breakpoints?
I’m always in favor of weapon nerfs instead of HP sponging.

If it’s just tougher enemies you want, why not use a downgraded weapon. Same effect, no?

Presumably that’s not just it, though.

Yeah, can’t downgrade teammates too. I’d like a challenge even when I’m playing with players that have a similar or higher skill level. Game is best when you have nice teamplay.

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With the limited enemy AI:

  • Hordes, go direct at you
  • Crushers, go direct at you
  • Reaper/gunners/snipers, will try to keep you at distance.

Nature of mindless enemy. Justifies also zombie shooters in that way. They just go direct at you.

The only option is to add more enemies and/or make them more tanky and increase their DPS against you.

But in Division 2 Coop PvE, AI enemies based on humans. Not a horde shooter but I can tell they spend considerable effort on AI.

  • If you try to flank them, they’ll see that and move accordingly to prevent it.
  • If you hurt them, they’ll retreat behind cover.
  • If one team mate hurt badly away from team, they’ll group against that person focus fire
  • They see you’re trying to revive a team mate. They’ll see that as opporunity to push.
  • They see you have stopped suppressing them. They will re-peek for shot.
  • They see you using cover too much, they’ll flush you out with grenades
  • They spread to flank left but also right for cross fire against you

There are ideas where don’t have to inflate difficulty purely with increased health or enemy damage output when the strategy against them just remains the same. But if changed the way they react to situations…

Higher breakpoints slow the game down too much. I get wanting to actually fight enemies (it’s the reason I was an axe/shield fanboy in VT2), but I think enemy toughness in T5 is just about perfect.

If there’s a problem with tougher enemies dying too quickly at T5, it’s an issue with weapon balance. Most weapons don’t instagib everything at that level.

It isn’t all as limited as you describe. Shooters will act pseudo tactically by using cover, retreating and trying to flank. More enemies that use similarly non-stupid AI or even changing the AI that’s already in use could be a way to make the game more challenging.

And I think melee weapons hit breakpoints way too easily. I see a lot of room for growth here. T5 is perfect as it is, I want a higher breakpoint where enemies aren’t soft tissues and if you don’t like it you can continue playing T5 it’s that simple.

Like I said, it’s a weapon balance issue. Plenty of weapons don’t hit ez-mode breakpoints that easily and there’s fewer weapons that do it than those that don’t.

Lower difficulties are already there for people who want to faceroll stuff. No point in adding another difficulty and further splitting up the playerbase when the ez-mode weapons can just be dialed back a little.

Nope, still not the problem. You can pick a non-faceroll weapon and with 1 halfway competent other player on the team, Damnation becomes a faceroll.

It is already split up with a lot of people only going for high-int and STG. How is it that everyone agrees that STG should be always available, the meme enemy spam mode, but when it comes to some real challenge the arguments about “my player base split” comes up?

Anyway. I don’t think this discussion is going anywhere, you just keep playing DT Legend, while I wait for a proper Cata level to come out.

There’s a reason why stagger resistance and mass caps at champion values. Fighting enemies that don’t react to your actions is un-fun.


No, I want content, not a slight adjustment to a few stats of enemies.

When people say T5 is too easy, then you look at their team composition.

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