I enjoy a lot of the current game. Definitely things that need improvement, but it’s getting there.
- I was disappointed with Sienna’s flail. The overhead only ignites the target it hits and nothing else, despite showing burning SFX on other enemies from the explosion. That’s really my main gripe.
Audio in the game is currently really buggy, so the audio issue applies even past beastmen. Although, beastmen are still pretty quiet for what they are. You’d think they were trying to be sneaky.
- A lot of talents I actually really enjoy. They’re interesting and change up the playstyle of the game. For all the good ones though, there are just as many bad or uninteresting ones.
Waystalker mostly feels really nice. I think that while Tier 10 offers interesting choices, it feels like each is tailored specifically to a specific bow, which diminishes the feeling of “choice”.
Tier 20 was the most disappointing. One is a lackluster self-heal bonus, another removes your heal for an uninteresting and weak active CDR, and the other shares your passive with everyone(which I like).
Ricochet and Asrai Focus on Tier 25 have their issues. It seems unrealistic to get any value from Ricochet and CDR is just bland.
Tier 30 “Loaded Bow” adding a single arrow to trueflight is also boring and uninteresting. It’d be cool if it did something more unique. -
To sum up Handmaiden, she’s boring. It isn’t that she’s bad. It’s just downright boring. With the exception of Wraith-Walk, her talents really don’t offer much in changing the playstyle at all. They’re just passive bonuses and don’t offer any kind of interaction like some of Waystalker or Shade’s talents. Talents like bonus AS for dodging don’t change how you play. You’ll receive the perk just from playing normally. Also, for a mere 10% power boost, Focused Spirit seems really bad. If you take damage you lose the small bonus for 15 seconds. It’s a lot of risk for such a small reward.
Shade is probably the coolest out of Kerillian’s careers. Tons of options, so many ways to change up how you play and what happens when you do things. Incentivizing talents(like one for headshots). Shade really stands out and shines in terms of uniqueness and enjoyment. With the exception of Ereth Khial’s Herald and Shadowstep, I really like the talents. Ereth Khial’s Herald just bumps the backstab from 50% to 75% bonus damage which I find boring(especially compared to all her other choices) and not so spectacular. Shadowstep just seems a bit out of place for what you generally want to accomplish with the active.
- The only career I really care to speak about for Saltzpyre is Bounty Hunter. Some of the talents just seem really bizarre. Tier 10 is nothing but power talents. Tier 20 just modifies his passive. While the idea of things like Weight of Fire are neat, I don’t think it’s practical. Taking an old trait from Vermintide 1 like Hail of Doom would’ve been more practical, where it causes your projectiles to split and doubles what you shoot(just an example). If Tier 10 had more interesting talents like what I mentioned and Tier 20 was spiced up to do more than just adjust your passive(add something on top of those individual bonuses?), like adding functionality changes to his melee or ranged to make it more potent and fun, then I think he’d be absolutely awesome.
Battle Wizard is really awesome, but when they made the changes to her for 2.0, they really just buffed a build I was already playing and enjoying. A lot of great changes. My critiques would be Bulwark seems like an odd stagger choice for her, but I think the idea is her staves staggering enemies is how you’re really supposed to use that. Soot Shield gives damage reduction, but considering so much of her design enhances her range play and not melee, it seems odd to give a talent like this to her.
Woosh! and Kaboom! are both just lackluster choices that get blown out by Burnout. It isn’t that Burnout is overpowered, it’s that the other two choices are not competitive or potent. Kaboom! could be great if it was made to be stronger. Woosh! is basically a worse version of Burnout. It’d be better off being replaced. -
I have actually never liked Pyromancer. I think the general idea is cool, but a design based entirely around RNG is not enjoyable for me to play. Knowing when you crit with a staff is difficult to know too. Speaking for 2.0, her design seems rather weak(despite seeing people have good games with her). Ride the Fire Wind is interesting but I’m not sure how you would want to interact with that as a player. Martial Study. Why does that talent still exist? It’s a laughable 5% attack speed and is blander than school cafeteria food.
To really drill in the RNG portion of Pyromancer, I’ll list off RNG:
Her passive is based entirely around crits
Ride the Fire Wind is constantly going up or down
Blazing Echo only refunds on crits. Could get tons of value. Could get none.
Everything else mostly conditional. Other than crit chance, she really doesn’t seem much different from Battle Wizard. They even share the 10% ranged dmg bonus. Maybe the RNG and such is part of her charm for some people? Her design just never appealed to me. -
Unchained seems pretty great. Overall, very good. I have one real criticism for her. Bomb Balm seems to be universally picked by people. Flame Wave gives more radius but how useful is that really? It isn’t like the damage was ever anything impressive. It doesn’t even have much for stagger. Increasing the radius just wouldn’t amount to much. Fuel for the Fire, while good, is for 10 seconds on an active that takes 2 minutes to recover. The effects of Bomb Balm are going to be better felt than Fuel for the Fire. You also have the small issue of people’s dependency on THP that’ll make them default to it regardless.
All in all, I want talents that change up how I can play the game and I want them to make things fun and interesting. I found some of the old iterations of careers terribly boring(like Footknight/IB/HM) because they simply don’t offer anything unique. They had just offered passive bonuses pre-2.0 . HM is still boring for me though because she still suffers the same problem.
I feel most of part on WOM is not bad except Weave.
Weave has few player base already. I love to play Weave but getting players is really hard even though WOM was released one weeks ago. What makes me getting players hard is hidden damage buff on enemy started 91. I almost succeed to get players but when they face one hit kill from trash mobs, they just quit playing Weave. No matter how i try pursuading them, they don’t. If portrait achievemnets end on 90, hidden damage buff is acceptable becuase i don’t care leader board. I only care archmage portrait because it looks cool to me. But how can i get 120 portrait if i can’t get players to play weave? Cata tier 3 is already harder than Cata tier 2 and Cata tier 1. We can move damage buff to 121-160 from 91-160. So, people who like reward can take portrait. Others who like leader board racing can do their race over 120 till 160. Let everyone can takes their own satisfaction.
Yeah! Whoosh needs to be a dash skill instead of a jump no this is not a secret attempt to give wiz an active that f*king works
How I feel about it now.
Combat- I still don’t like it but I do believe in time I’ll get used it it. The best case scenario is that It ends up feeling balanced again but then all it does is get back to a point where I enjoy it again. And I already did so that’s not really a win just recouping a loss.
Beastmen- I think I’m one of the few that likes the banner mechanic. What I dislike about beastmen is their disproportionate difficulty. I keep hearing fears that they don’t want beastmen to be just like the other factions but right now it doesn’t feel like they have one thing better than the other factions but all things. My big problem with the combat right now is that it is already really Risky DPSing into hordes and they are the worst offender of that. One tracking attack in a mass of beasts where I can’t even see the spears behind them and I get hit for what feels like having the audacity to attack. The result is that I end up kiting them for an insane about of time. And just because I can do it doesn’t mean its fun.
I’m convinced FF has been buffed, I hit one of my bots on Legend with a crossbow shot (while he was trying to get down Mr President the special he wasn’t killing) and it chunked him for 10 whole HP. It’s insane.
Was it always this bad and it’s truly only the lack of the THP that’s making it worse or has it been increased?
I know Fireball Staff, Grudgeraker/Blunderbuss and BH ult were always very FF heavy if you teammates didn’t take care to avoid it.
Agreed on the rest, but I actually love the BH tier that tweaks your passive, much as I like the tier that does it on Bardin’s careers, Kruber’s merc and FK etc. too. I think it helps make the talent tree feel more in line with class vision, hence why I miss having a whole tier of three talents like that on pyro and Zealot now (though Zealot did need downtuning).
Even if it looks minor, there’s a pretty big difference in playstyle between the melee to reset CD one and the other two at least, the other two are more similar. More frequent Blessed Shots is better for raw DPS, no ammo on Blessed Shots is always better in terms of ammo conservation (I’ve tested this a lot). I already like them as is.
That is a problem with pyro atm, now that they’ve given BW the extra damage on full charge talent (on top of what she already had, the DoT build), is that it feels like BW got a whole lot more interesting than pyro. Pyro can do a pure ranged build, but as you said it relies on a lot of unpredictable talents and lot of hers only activate at certain thresholds of eg HP or in certain circumstances (special kill). Pyro’s crits are still potent but a lot of her talents are kinda annoy now to work with. I missed having one tier dedicated to scaling with your OC, the new power talent could’ve done that instead of only activating at high overcharge. If the power’s enough it might enable new breakpoints vs elites for her, or at least boost her boss dps.
I think the AS is there for the insane melee AS pyro with no slowdown on OC and more AS on high OC, which I’m okay with as being an option, even if it’s kinda boring since the rest of Sienna’s careers already have decent melee choices. But it’s something different at least!
I’d like to the more weird talents replaced (the ones that only activate at high heat instead of scaling with heat, the HP activation ones, Ride the Fire Wind and the MS one).
pure gold
If we could have the update with the beastmen and new game mode and new weapons/cosmetics, but keep the mechanics and gameplay the same it would be perfect. Please Fatshark do soemthing.
The changes to the heroes and the enemies have been problematic for me. I used to be able to get through legend difficulty missions no problem, now every single one I join my party dies in the first five minutes. The changes have really impacted my game-play negatively. I do not enjoy the new talents, stagger or dodge and I do not enjoy the changes made to the enemies.
Other answers
Stagger changes need to go, i played with dodge mechanics for over a year why change how everyone plays this game?
Beastmen have absurb hitboxes and can stab you from 3 miles away.
cheers for the poll hopefully fatshark actually take notice of their communities wishes for once.
It was. Was trying to ult as BH when a FK walked into my line of fire. Clipped his nose with double-shot for 80 damage. Dude thought the whole team had opened fire on him. Felt bad
I just wish they didn’t mess with health and breakpoints so much.
Might not sound like a big deal, but all my breakpoints were nerfed horribly. I’m at the point now where I don’t like any of my melee weapons. I was happy with them before, but after the nerf I have not been able to find effective replacements, and I’m using weapons that I enjoy less.
My fun suffered because my builds were nerfed and my weapons became less effective.
Beyond that I have three notable concerns.
I’m an IB player, and Drakki Wraths is an active detriment. Rework / rebalance it or please give us the old Irondrake talent back… If not, maybe change it so it lets us fight better when we are overheated, or let us ignite enemies more often, or lose heat on melee kill, etc.
Wargor banners are still too numerous, have way too much range and too great an effect. I’d really like to see the range cut in half and the health bonus significantly reduced.
As others have said, melee weapons that can’t stagger much or hit few targets (one handed axe in particular) are at a significant disadvantage to other weapons and need some help.
Regarding this DLC, can you not let the magic net’s weapon shape increase to achievements?
Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug.
Although these poll might be useful, there’s no point having a big discussion about classes and talents when the bugs are so deep seated, wide ranging and affect the core of the gameplay. Small changes to talents are wholly pointless while complete Bullsh*t™ is order of the day.
I have witnessed a HM dash PAST a spawn, only to get picked up somehow and thumped into the ground and launched. I have categorically seen a dwarf dodge a leeches projectile by a couple of feet only for him to get sucked off, and not in a good way. Ever tried fighting a Chaos Spawn and a beastman banner-gang in the hedge maze on Garden of Morr? I have, and I’dve had more fun smothering my love spuds in peanut butter and lowering them into a Pirhanna tank.
Instantly hooked out of thin air? check
Jumped by an assassin who spawned within an inch of me? Check
Headbutted by a silent Gor? Check
Stabbed through a concrete post/Gor/Chaos Warrior/rift in space and time by an ungor? Check
Leeched through a blightstorm? Check
Chaos patrol suprise bursting out of a puddle directly into my face? Check
Ult not staggering enemies? Check
Sudden and acute deafness rendering violent enemies silent? Check
Don’t bother fixing 1h axe, or Rapier OP until all of this stupidity is fixed otherwise you’ll only have to balance it all again if the game ever does get less buggy.
I’m a recent convert from console, so I can’t comment on the upper levels of difficulty yet, and I’m still adjusting to the controls and FoV slider.
I do like the idea of the stagger changes. Making it so that damage isn’t the end all be all is, in my opinion, a great idea along with needing to work as a group and having some basic coordination instead of 4 separate people doing a run in the same map. From my experiences and reading on reddit though, the execution leaves some things to be desired.
The changes to Thp is a bit jarring for me. With how low the individual gains are, it feels like we’re fighting with our team to get those precious few Thp instead of working together for them.
With the Beastmen, the biggest thing I’m having is the bugs. I’m getting hit through stuns, and the few times I’m running with a shield, some hits are going through. I have a feeling that once the bugs are tracked down, we might be able to deal with them a lot better.
For both others. When staggered hard, the beastmen are generally pushed too far to follow up with anything.
Just reduce that distance.
Edit: Oh, and make the bots better at fighting them. No other man sized enemy gets past their guard quite like the beastmen do.
My issue with the beastmen is that they have incredibly fast windup animations. This is particularly pronounced after they climb up a wall. The skaven and chaos do it as well after a climb, but the beastmen hit so much harder that it can be quite devastating.
My only other issue is with BW’s dash move. It is pretty hard to use tight now due to it being uncastable on huge swathes of the play area on most maps. A slight incline seems to render it unusable, stairs make it unusable, and some random terrain makes it unstable.
The mo e is used often as an “oh shi…” move to escape danger and it feels really bad to spam the button and have it not cast at all, or double cast you in the wrong direction
What can I say? Hope always dies last
Beastmen: Too common. They seem to vastly outnumber the Skaven and Chaos now.
Beastmen: The Ungor Spears reach way too far. It makes fighting the Beast hordes impossible without spamming shove attacks. Otherwise, you run the risk of an Ungor chipping 1/3 of your hitpoints from 3 times your own weapon range away.
Weaves: Gameplay is fun. However, there needs to be a reward for replaying them. Even if it’s reduced to be similar to a normal map completion. 80 essence for 15-20 minutes is pointless.
Kerillian: My main character, she actually feels well balanced at the moment across her classes. WS, HM, and shade can all offer something beneficial to the group right now.
Personally, after playing a bit and getting used to the changes, I think the biggest problem with beastmen come down to 2 units specifically, the rest I can deal with easily.
First is the Gors, and the problem is they make up the bulk of the horde. They are tough to deal with because they are just plain dark all around and hard to really distinguish at times. Then they have a wide variety of attacks that are all extremely quick with subtle animations. Easily dealt with alone, very hard to deal with in a horde because they’ll blend together, and it’s difficult to tell at a glance if you stagger one or its about to head butt you. Then I just can’t tell at all in a chaotic situation if it’s going to kick me. I’d say changing the texture on them to make them pop out a bit more would help in identifying them, then lowering the damage -or- increasing the animation time on these two attacks would go a long way to making them more fair.
Second is the wargors. When they’re fighting in a horde I simply cannot tell them apart from bestigors, so I’d say giving them silver or steel colored armor would help distinguish them. Or gold trim, or any easily identified marker at a glance. Second, their hp is just a tad too high, out of range of a lot of headshots. I’d lower it a bit so more dedicated ranged builds can take preventative measures with a well placed headshot. This way, like with all specials, the best way to deal with it is to kill it before it can do its thing. Rather than counting on them to place a banner 90% of the time and hoping you have someone in the party that can dash to kill it.
As for the rest, I actually like them and they’re a breath of fresh air (minus silent bugs and the like). Ungors are annoying at times, but I don’t think of them as a threat, and honestly I like how they switch up tactics and can force players to take up cover/defensible positions. Bestigors I think are great as they are and I really like them a perfect armored addition to the chaos hordes. Minotaurs are another great design a berserking charging boss as another way to change how players approach situations.