Witch Hunter needs a buff

Just a few tweaks to WHC would make him a lot better. Say make his Health-to-Party skill add 6 temp health or 3 real health?

Make his crit/attack speed on taggable kill party wide.

What if he had a party-wide poison proc ala the poison trinket from vt1?

Based on what? The laughable level 10 talents in combination with his F when BH just doesnt even have the need to go toe on toe with special? Or Heart of Iron?
Didnt Zealot F have a 50% attspeed increase anyway?

And BH / WHC cant do that?

Oh boy, and here I am not using any ammo pouches laying around because BoP/Scrounger/Level15+passive is so balanced, which is even easier with Volley.

Which isā€¦ the absolut status quo right now vs specials that NEED to die as fast they appear?

And no, Im not saying Zealot is crap, he is beating the everliving sht out of every god damn heretic in sight when he gets into melee.

If they would make it permanent health it would way different, keep in mind how many taggable enemies spawn in Champ and Legend.
But even than you have to be quick and an increase to 5 health would be more than appropriate.
But making it perm health would also make everyone jump on WHC to abuse it.

Its pointless to call for rediculus buffs guys,
WHC is fine, he is swordman, like Sylvio Forell from Game of Thrones, as long you have your enemy within your eye sight you shoud never ever die. Majority of deaths as WHC comes when s*hit hit the roof, and when you got left overs from behind, l2 deal with them, to diminish such a situations.

Ethernal guard is awesome if you use it proper, rapier is awesome if you practiced enough to go for throat (head), tryed diferent classes, no single weapon in game has skill cap as raiperā€¦ this is BEST and WORST weapon in game, devastating in hands of good player, bad in hands of someone who dont know how to use it. WHC is class worth practicing, raiper is like mini sniper rifle.

25% damage reduction is pretty hot stuff, duder. Zealot can get temp health faster than BH which is sort of the meat for most of the melee dps careers.

They can. Using it on BH consumes his Blessed Shots, with Zealotā€™s Holy Crusader and other synergies it does more damage than youā€™d expect point blank (it also penetrates. Excellent for clearing chokepoints)

He doesnā€™t use Barrage or Hunter.

It all depends on the situation, who focus fires the boss during hordes? There is always a priority depending on the situation at hand and Zealot is way better at adapting to them than BH. If you wanna see some neat things.

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Also remember:

  1. Scoreboard cheaser type of player will alawys tell you: WHC is bad

  2. Good player will: Appritiate your support role, your tagging buff, your ability to eliminate key targets quickly, your ability to save grabbed people, and he will respect buff of your ulty on bosses and big grps. He will like how bosses burn fast with you in group.

If you wish class for scoreboard chease, WHC is definetly not for you, then rather play something else than whine on forums.
Support = making all around you better

You do not need Barrage vs specials not to mention that even with lowered spread on Level 5 BoPs spread is sometimes kinda ridiclious or crouching for that matter.
Not sure how it fares vs CWs, though, but you go Repeater for this anyway, bosses also, Hunter is justā€¦ I do not know, considering a stormvermin takes like 3 hits (2 with a crit?) I guess it would be nice against a SV patrolā€¦ but otherwise?

Already have in beta and loved being smashing but since they removed his Naruto headress itsā€¦ eh.

Noā€¦ WH Captain is really just not a support class and never was.

If you look at the real abilities of the Job at its base, its Kruber Mercenary without the tanking gear or abilities.

Right now, according to Fat Shark those abilities have no effect on the game due to the Hero Power code screw up thatā€™s in effect. So thereā€™s a possibility some of those might actually be functional once the Hero Power changes go into effect, so weā€™ll have to wait and see.

But its deeper than that.

His passive is instant kill on crit headshot for man sized targetsā€¦combined with his Utility ability is bonus crit chance (which needs the CD reduced down to about 1 min to 1min 30secs at this point, its no longer justifiable to be a 3 minute timer).

So a lot of his functionality is based on Crits.

Heā€™s an Elite Mob Killer with the same Crowd Control ability that Kruber Has. When combined with the Rapier and Righteous Zeal (temp health)ā€¦ he can literally handle whole hordesā€¦ problem with the Rapier is that its Weak vs Shield Users and Armor.

So youā€™d need something like Brace of Pistols to break shield guard to kill themā€¦ but Brace of Pistols currently only has 20 shots and needs about 30 as a base level to be able to do that. Prior to the Rapier Alt-Fire Nerf this wasnā€™t a problemā€¦ but now it is.


You do not need Barrage vs specials not to mention that even with lowered spread on Level 5 BoPs spread is sometimes kinda ridiclious or crouching for that matter.

25% power doesnā€™t matter?

It has to be the same armour class.
Yes, for 5 seconds but like I said, its good vs bosses but I dont go BoP for boss killing.

Well look, I partialy agree, there is no 100% support type hero in game, all classes are one man army by its own, but of all heroes currently in game WHC is most supportish. Thats why at least me reffering to word ā€œsupportā€ and possibly other people.

Pure support will be if we for example has, priest healer hero or somehting, but for now WHC is most supportish of all

Hunter also triggers in 2 shots and I know itā€™s the same armor type, you can also have multiple instance of hunter going.

The thing with Barrage and Hunter on WHC and Zealot is you switch from ranged to melee and itā€™s devestating during hordes and crowded RNG

Tagging will be much stronger, headshot damage will be much stronger, 1-hit kill on crit headshot will be much stronger. In my tests on current build, the WHC kills chaos knights in 3 fewer full-charge rapier shots on Chaos Knight when compared to BH or Zealot. WHC kills chaos knights in 2-3 fewer headshots. WHC one shots all other elites 1/5 of time and kills them in at least one fewer headshot every time.

Since waves will not be held entirely at bay by one Merc swinging a Halberd, WHCā€™s mobility whilst clearing becomes useful and advantageous. Now, when waves push passed youā€™re clear output Halberd Merc is much more vulnerable than WHC. Finally, now that waves can push through clear, indefinite light attack block is more useful.

Please just donā€™t assume you know the impact of upcoming changes if you havenā€™t tested the current build, extracted numbers, and applied them in clear and concise theory with 40% less base damage, 50% clear, and 50% stagger.

Long story short, WHC is already on track for a large buff. The only problem will be Mercenary, an alternative to his role, will also become stronger BUT there will also be a larger disparity between WHCā€™s elite killing and Mercā€™s, meaning it canā€™t always be Merc = better choice.

Also, Justiceā€™s Bounty should never restore actual health, itā€™d be more broken than Rangerā€™s health pot drop and if anything needs a SMALL temp hp boost. It already nets 400-500 temp hp a person per run: up to 2k temp hp for team per run.

You mean a crit?

You mean even more devastating.

No heā€™s actually pretty much no different than any other character and definitely not a support classā€¦ unless of course you believe Waystalker is a ā€œsupport classā€ due to their healingā€¦ The healing is much more effective than anything the WHC can do.

Or believe that Krubers assorted careers are ā€œsupport classesā€.

WH Captain is very specific as to what its abilities point to (assuming theyā€™re functional which they are not right now)ā€¦ and support class isnā€™t one of them other than arbitrarily. The person who came up with that was directly lying

Crowd Control and horde clearing potentiallyā€¦ but the main abilities are about one shot kills with crits on headshots and all the talents and abilities support that in one way or another. Much more akin to a crossbreed between the Shade and Kruber.

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barrage does not even work right now.

Iā€™ve got about 15 hours into Salty, so I donā€™t know how much water my opinion should hold on the matter.

Conceptually, I love the idea of the tag ā€“ in practice, the power bonus is minuscule when compared to the guaranteed critical hit of the bounty hunter. What if, instead of the +10 to power against the target, it was a +10% crit chance against the target. Perhaps there is some mechanical reason this couldnā€™t happen (i.e. crit event triggered at the point of issue rather than impact), but I think this addition would be much appreciated against bosses and armored targets.

To be frank, I donā€™t have enough dexterity to reliably get off headshotsā€¦ and Iā€™ve been working to fix this for years, but Iā€™ve come to respect a physical limitation of my own reflexes. Consequently, a lot of the characters I play (Sienna, Salty) are an effort to compensate for this (i.e. they can bypass armor naturally or with crits/specials). Furthermore, as a level 20 perk, most of us take the ā€œtemp life on killā€, if certain configurations give a higher crit chance against flagged targets, I think weā€™d see more of a willingness to take ā€œtemp life on critā€ traits ā€“ so I think this would ultimately promote more teamwork (albeit just a little).

Did they break it? I remember it working in beta.

I seen that kneejerk reaction on reddit also because it didnā€™t work in keep~

Both WH and Zealot need buffs. Zealot serious buffs. Compare him with Merc (though I prefer playing knight). In beta Zealot was pretty good, but that was because he was unkillable with tremendous attack speed