Witch Hunter Captain Rebalance

I’ve streamlined the main post, making it significantly less verbose. The passives are no longer changed. Riposte is kept where it is and receives a buff. Flense is nerfed. Other changes are listed in the main post and in its TL;DR section.

I’ve made several polls for various changes and idea.

Power of Sigmar
This unlisted passive increases headshot bonus damage by 25%, Should it be increased to 50% (from 25%) provided it is given a reduction in bodyshot damage of 12.5%, or would this be unfriendly to new players? WHC is Saltz’ first career.

  • Increase to 50% headshot damage
  • Increase to 50% headshot damage and add an effect of a 12.5% bodyshot damage decrease
  • It should not be changed

0 voters

Sigmar’s Charm
This unlisted passive increases crit chance by 5%. Should Sigmar’s Charm be removed or stay?

  • Sigmar’s Charm should be removed
  • Sigmar’s Charm should stay

0 voters

Should Deathknell reduce bodyshot damage by 12.5%?

  • It should
  • Yes, but only for melee attacks and not range
  • No

0 voters

What should happen to Riposte?

  • Riposte should stay as a talent
  • Riposte should stay as a talent and be buffed
  • Riposte should become a passive
  • Merge Riposte with Deathknell and add a new talent

0 voters

Riposte and Power of Sigmar
Should both the headshot passive be buffed and Riposte made a passive?

  • Both changes should happen
  • Neither should occur
  • Only Riposte should be changed
  • Only Power of Sigmar should be changed

0 voters

Edit: Someone told me that the option “Neither should occur” was confusing. Sorry. It means Riposte should not be made a passive and Power of Sigmar should not be changed. “Only Riposte should be changed” refers to Riposte becoming a passive, and does not exclude Riposte being buffed.

##New Poll Options##

Killing Shot and Tagging
Should Killing Shot be changed to only work on tagged enemies?

  • Killing Shot should not be altered
  • Killing Shot should only work on tagged enemies

0 voters

Killing Shot and Riposte
Should Killing Shot and Riposte be merged into a passive so that Killing Shot is only active for Riposte crits and during Animosity?

  • Killing Shot and Riposte should be merged as a passive. Killing Shot should be active during Animosity and for Riposte crits.
  • Killing Shot and Riposte should not be merged.

0 voters

Part II of polls

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